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本文通过对河津固镇瓷窑址出土的43件金代陶瓷片样品的胎釉化学组成和吸水率的检测分析,对河津窑金代制瓷工艺进行科技解读。白瓷瓷釉以钙系釉中的钙釉为主,部分为钙-碱釉,黑瓷釉以铁含量较高的铁系釉为主。细白瓷与粗白瓷的胎釉配方均存在差异。细白瓷可能选用了优质高岭土,瓷胎中呈色元素氧化铁、氧化钛含量较粗瓷类更低,结合高铝的特征和极低的吸水率,显示出工艺的精湛。以低温三彩六角形枕为代表的釉陶,吸水率最高,胎体组成显示为高铁低铝的普通易熔类黏土,釉面组成也明显不同于高温釉瓷。河津窑白瓷与北方定窑、邢窑和巩义窑的胎釉组成有共性,但也可看出窑口之间的差异。  相似文献   

历代耀州窑釉料渊源关系的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
耀州窑是我国古代名瓷窑。为了探讨历代耀州窑釉料之间的渊源关系,用中子活化分析(NAA)技术测定古耀州瓷釉样品和耀州窑博物馆附近粘土矿样品中29种元素的含量,将这批NAA数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到动态模糊聚类分析图。结果表明:唐代的黑瓷釉原料产地非常集中,矿料成分单纯。宋代青瓷釉料配方比较稳定,五代青瓷具有承前启后的作用。金代月白釉料成分和宋代青瓷釉料接近。唐三彩蓝釉料与其他耀州瓷釉料来源明显不同。  相似文献   

为揭示五代天青瓷釉的呈色机理以及胎体的透光机理,本研究以五代耀州窑天青瓷为主要对象,分别采用EDXRF、XRD、XPS和SEM/EDS等测试方法,分析了化学组成、物相、着色元素的化学状态及微观结构对瓷釉的呈色及瓷胎透光性的影响。结果表明,天青瓷釉为复合呈色方式,釉中Fe_2O_3产生的化学着色作用和釉层中物理结构(残余晶体和分相液滴)对入射光的散射作用产生的结构色,或加深或淡化了呈色,且对釉面的色饱和度和乳浊度也有一定的影响。天青瓷胎的透光性主要与着色氧化物对入射光的吸收以及晶界、气泡对入射光的散射有关。低含量的Fe_2O_3和铁钛固溶体,大大减少了其对入射光的吸收。同时,较少的晶界也减弱了对入射光的散射。因此,天青瓷的透光性良好。  相似文献   

本文利用激光拉曼光谱仪和能量色散X-射线荧光光谱仪对21件取自故宫博物院院藏宋代官窑完整器及42件取自杭州老虎洞官窑窑址的青瓷样品表面釉层进行了测量与分析。通过计算瓷釉样品拉曼光谱中位于500cm-1附近宽带与位于1000cm-1附近宽带的面积比值(Ip值)及利用EDXRF分析样品的元素成分,讨论了这些样品的主要助熔剂成分Ca O、K2O含量与Ip值之间的关系,并通过对成分具有两类典型官窑瓷器釉料特征且在不同烧成温度下烧制的模拟釉块进行拉曼分析,对宋官窑青瓷样品的釉烧温度进行了讨论。  相似文献   

为研究定窑、邢窑和巩义窑在白瓷烧造工艺的联系和区别,本工作使用能量色散X荧光光谱仪(ED-XRF)分析了这三个窑址出土的部分白瓷残片的胎釉化学组成。分析结果显示,三个窑址制胎所用的原料均以高岭土为主,是中国北方白瓷生产制胎原料采用的最主要的粘土类型。隋代邢窑胎体助熔剂原料曾使用长石类原料,从而生产"透影"白瓷而后期则加入钙质原料代替。定窑的白瓷胎体中加入了钙质原料作为助熔剂原料。巩义窑则以长石类原料为主。三个窑白瓷釉中主要助熔剂氧化物都是来自灰料的氧化钙,但含量明显不同,邢窑和定窑的白瓷釉中CaO含量显著低于巩义窑。比较结果表明,三个白瓷窑在胎釉配方工艺方面互有差别但也紧密联系,其中,定窑早期细白瓷的胎釉配方承继了邢窑唐代细白瓷制作的工艺传统。  相似文献   

原始瓷是中国乃至世界出现最早且初步具有瓷器特征的一种器物,研究其工艺特征具有重要的意义。为了探讨陕西沣西遗址出土西周时期原始瓷的胎釉工艺特征,本文采用现代分析手段对原始瓷胎釉微观结构、化学元素组成、吸水率和显气孔率进行了观察与测试。通过实验得到以下结果:1.沣西遗址原始瓷胎质粗糙;2.沣西遗址原始瓷胎中Al_2O_3含量集中在16.7~23.66%之间,SiO_2的含量变化范围为67.36~76.01%,K_2O含量在1.55~2.11%之间;3.沣西遗址原始瓷釉中P_2O_5、MnO、K_2O含量较高于胎;4.沣西遗址原始瓷吸水率都低于1%,显气孔率都低于2%。对实验结果进行分析得出:沣西遗址原始瓷胎料可能选用含钾较高的高岭土;釉料是添加了草木灰的钙釉;原始瓷制作工艺尚处于制瓷技术的初级水平。  相似文献   

为揭示秘色瓷胎釉成分特征及其与普通越窑青瓷之间的异同,并探讨越窑青瓷制釉技术的时代特征,本文采用X射线荧光能谱仪(EDXRF)对慈溪上林湖后司岙和荷花芯窑址出土的青瓷标本进行了无损测试。结果表明:(1)后司岙窑址秘色瓷的胎体元素组成与普通越窑青瓷无明显的差异,即二者均采用当地的瓷石原料制胎;(2)晚唐和五代秘色瓷釉的元素组成与同时期普通越窑青瓷也无明显差异,其独特的釉色与其采用瓷质匣钵的烧制工艺有关;(3)晚唐至五代时期越窑青瓷釉料配方可能发生了重大改变,即由早期的瓷石加草木灰的二元配方变成瓷石加草木灰、石灰石的三元配方。(4)晚唐至五代秘色瓷以及五代耀州窑青瓷、北宋汝官窑、南宋官窑以及龙泉南宋青瓷均将釉中氧化钙的含量严格控制在10%?14%范围之内,即各个窑口的制釉技术是非常类似的。  相似文献   

金元时期在豫西中部地区多个窑址同时生产青瓷和钧瓷,发掘于2005年的汝州东沟窑遗址即是该类窑址典型代表之一。为系统了解东沟窑青瓷和钧瓷的胎釉元素组成特征和工艺特点、揭示两类瓷器各自随时代变化的规律,本项研究采用EDXRF和OM对东沟窑遗址出土且地层明确的43件金、元时期青瓷与钧瓷标本胎、釉化学组成和工艺性能进行测试分析,探讨了胎、釉的原料配比、釉层厚度和胎釉反应层厚度等工艺特征随时代和标本类型的变化规律。研究结果表明:东沟窑同时期青瓷和钧瓷胎体元素组成较接近,而两者釉的元素组成差异明显,金元钧瓷釉的SiO2/Al2O3摩尔比值都明显高于同时代青瓷的相应比值,呈现钧瓷釉典型的高硅低铝组成特征。从金代到元代,东沟窑青瓷和钧瓷釉都呈现从钙釉向钙-碱釉的转变。本项研究还观察到金元钧瓷的釉层和反应层厚度均高于同时代的青瓷;而从金过渡到元,两类瓷片的釉层和反应层厚度均趋厚。本项研究对揭示金元时期豫西中部地区青瓷和钧瓷间的传承和演化关系提供了有意义的科技数据。  相似文献   

耀州窑瓷是北方青瓷之代表.通观黄堡窑唐末五代青瓷,有精选胎土、纯净釉色、剔花装饰、美化造型等特点.从黄堡窑到耀州窑,青瓷艺术风格发生了很大变化.橄榄绿釉刻花、印花是宋代耀州窑最典型的装饰手法,金代月白釉在釉质釉色和造型装饰上亦自有特色.  相似文献   

利用能量色散X射线荧光、激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱技术和超景深三维视频显微系统,对广西窑田岭窑出土北宋中晚期的瓷片胎釉进行成分分析和微观形貌观察。显微观察显示,样品胎釉结合不够紧密,瓷胎有杂质颗粒,釉层较薄。成分分析显示,样品的胎料具有高硅低铝的特点,可能来源于含钾量较高的一类瓷土;瓷釉为以草木灰作为助熔剂的钙釉。通过与同时期耀州窑瓷器胎釉成分的比较,发现二者虽在器形和装饰风格上相似,但瓷器用料、工艺存在显著差异,研究为深入探讨广西窑田岭窑瓷器的工艺特征和产地提供新的资料与信息。  相似文献   

本文报道了用ENGLE-Ⅱ微探针能量色散型X荧光光谱(EDXRF)技术测定一批青瓷残片中的16种元素氧化物的含量.其残片来自浙江杭州地区南宋的郊坛窑和老虎洞窑。由主量元素判别方程。值表明,郊坛和老虎洞青釉瓷均属官窑制品,与龙泉民窑产品有很大差别。从主成分统计分析看出.郊坛下官窑与老虎洞官窑的瓷釉成分有明显不同,但其胎质成分的分布却有部分的重叠。这显示两类同属官窑的制品,其釉料可有不同的矿物组合。但胎料有时会交流使用。从釉层、中间层、和胎层的Al2O3和CaO的含量变化数据表明,郊坛下官窑和老虎洞官窑的青瓷制品有厚度分别为120-140um和230-240μm的中间层,反映出烧造工艺上有一定的差别。化学成分鉴定证实了考古工作者认为老虎洞窑实为史书记载的修内司官窑的观点.  相似文献   

The development of Chinese ceramics culminated during the Song dynasty. At this time, exquisite celadon works emerged, such as Ru Guan celadon and Southern Song dynasty official kiln celadon, which exhibited the glory of their era. Since the excavation of Zhanggongxiang kiln celadon in Ruzhou city, Henan province, China, it has been attracting widespread scholarly attention at home and abroad. Most scholars have suggested that Zhanggongxiang is the official kiln of the Northern Song dynasty. In this paper, taking the celadon unearthed from the Zhanggongxiang kiln as a sample, the combination of laser Raman spectrum and thermal expansion methods is used to study the inheritance relationship between Zhanggongxiang celadon and Ru Guan celadon in the firing process. Meanwhile, the rationality of using Raman Ip value to evaluate the firing temperature of ceramics is reviewed. The main conclusions are as follows. First, the firing temperature of Zhanggongxiang celadon with various glaze colours is quite different, whereas the firing temperature of the same glaze colour is similar, thereby inheriting the firing technology of Ru Guan porcelain. Second, the Ip value of glaze cannot evaluate the firing temperature of porcelain with similar firing temperature. The Ip value corresponds to a range, within which it does not fully conform to the rule that the larger the Ip value, the higher the firing temperature. The Ip value is also associated with the formulation in addition to firing temperature. It is applicable to evaluating porcelains with a similar formulation but a large temperature difference.  相似文献   

为系统了解历代上林湖地区越窑青瓷胎釉化学组成的特点,本研究采用能量色散X射线荧光光谱技术(EDXRF),对唐代、五代、北宋和南宋上林湖越窑青瓷作了分析。分析结果表明,越窑胎釉组成是低铝高硅的南方青瓷特征,有一定量的杂质,历代瓷釉均为高钙釉;从唐代到南宋,越窑青瓷胎的化学组成未发生明显的变化,但唐代青瓷、北宋透明釉青瓷、南宋乳浊釉青瓷釉的化学组成存在一些差异;南宋越窑部分青瓷的外观虽然发生了变化,但釉料仍延续了越窑独特的工艺配方,与北方青瓷和南方官窑青瓷等的釉料差异明显。分析同时表明:该技术的使用为解决薄釉的样品处理难题提供了一条途径。  相似文献   

As the criterion used by archaeologists for determining early white porcelain is quite ambiguous, the origin of Chinese white porcelain remains a point of disagreement. In this study, we systematically investigate 61 typical Xing porcelains of the late Northern dynasties to the early Sui dynasty (550–600 CE) using spectrophotometer, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and analyze the differences between early white porcelain and celadon of Xing kiln in terms of their whiteness and raw materials characteristic. The results show that early white porcelain is a new type of ware that differs from celadon, which can be distinguished by whiteness, with a whiteness greater than 8% being early white porcelain and a whiteness less than 8% being celadon. It is assumed that the ancient potters created the whiter wares based on celadon by improving the glaze and selecting new raw materials for the body, but the production of this type of ware was short lived and subsequently refined in the Sui dynasty (581–618 CE) owing to the limited improvement in whiteness.  相似文献   

孙传波 《收藏家》2008,(11):67-72
“九秋风露越窑开,夺得千峰翠色来”,唐代著名诗人陆龟蒙的《秘色越窑》诗把越窑青瓷的釉色之纯、之美表达得淋漓尽致。越窑青瓷,以其釉色的类冰似玉、造型的奇特多姿而著称于世。  相似文献   

临水窑是磁州窑系中重要的窑口,在中国古代北方窑业发展和演变的历史上,有着举足轻重的地位。本文较为系统地分析了宋代、金代、元代时期临水窑白底黑(褐)花样品的物理性质、显微结构、化学成分等信息,探讨了临水窑宋、金、元白底黑花瓷器的工艺特点及其演变规律。结果表明:临水窑各年代白底釉下彩绘样品在胎与釉之间均施有化妆土;同时宋金时期样品化妆土的厚度整体略高于元代样品,且厚度相对均匀;成分分析表明,临水窑样品化妆土具有高K低Na特点,而不同年代的化妆土成分略有变化。总体说来,宋金时期的烧制工艺高于元代。  相似文献   

指纹元素分析对南宋郊坛官窑的起源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
选取30个南宋官瓷样品、2个效坛官窑的原料、紫金土和4个现代仿官瓷样品进行中子活化分析(NAA),测定每个样品中36种微量元素的含量。从这36种元素中挑选出9种指纹元素的含量进行散布分析。结果表明:南宋官窑的釉料和胎料产地明显不同;南宋官窑有着长期稳定的釉料和胎料产地;遗址缸内的原料(35#)、练泥池内的原料(36#)、紫金土(37#)既不同于古官瓷的釉料,也不同于胎料。练泥地内的原料(36#)比较接近于胎料。现代官瓷的釉料和胎料与古官瓷的明显不同,说明它们的产地不同。  相似文献   

To produce useful information about the raw materials used in northern Chinese Yaozhou celadon glazes Chinese glazes (especially the source of the calcium‐bearing flux), Sr isotope analysis has been used for the first time. Yaozhou celadon is one of the most important representatives of northern Chinese greenware. The study has enhanced our understanding of the raw material sources used to make Yaozhou glazes dating from the Tang to Northern Song dynasties. It is highly likely that ‘Fuping stone’ mentioned in the historical record is not the main raw material used to make Yaozhou celadon glazes of the Tang to Northern Song dynasties. The results of 87Sr/86Sr analysis of the Yaozhou celadon glazes studied produce relatively consistent 87Sr/86Sr isotopic signatures, with a wide variation of relatively high Sr concentrations. This is firm evidence that a calcium‐bearing plant ash was the source of the calcium and of the flux in the Celedon glazes studied, and not, as some have suggested, limestone or ‘Liaojiang stone’. The study had illustrated that the present approach has great potential in providing a new way of reconstructing porcelain glaze technology.  相似文献   

Research on ancient Longquan wares and their imitations has attracted considerable attention. Using a series of experimental methods, including micro X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy (μ‐XRF), X‐ray diffractometry (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), polarizing microscopy (PLM), dilatometry (DIL) and spectrophotometery, different samples of Longquan imitations from Dapu in Guangdong Province were collected and analysed. The study of different types of celadon from the Dapu kiln factories shows that the pale yellow body had a higher TFe2O3 content, and the body material must therefore have been treated differently or have come from a different source. The SiO2 and Al2O3 contents in the body can be used as auxiliary parameters to identify Longquan wares and its imitations. The study also found that both kinds of glaze recipe—including calcium–alkali glaze and alkali–calcium glaze—existed in the Dapu products, which suggested that while imitating Longquan ware, the potters in Dapu also showed innovation in the recipe for the glaze material. Moreover, there were some differences in the TFe2O3 content, as well as the size, number and distribution of bubbles in the different types of glaze. Finally, the study revealed that the material of both the saggars and separators were composed of another porcelain clay, different from that of the celadon body. In addition, the white and compact body of the celadon had a higher firing temperature, of 1140–1187 °C, compared with other types of wares, which had a lower firing temperature of 1050–1080 °C.  相似文献   

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