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利用体视显微镜、扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDX)、微区X射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱(Raman)等方法,对韩休壁画墓材质和工艺进行了研究和探讨。壁画的制作工艺为:在0.7厘米左右的草拌泥层上涂抹0.15到0.37厘米厚以碳酸钙为主要成分的白灰层,之后在其上进行绘画,颜料层厚变化较大。在颜料使用的方面,发现了一种少见的黄色矿物颜料钒铅矿,同时发现该墓葬还使用了有机植物染料靛蓝,上述两种颜料在我国已经发现的墓葬壁画和石窟壁画中均较少见。壁画所使用的其他颜料为唐代常见的矿物颜料,但发现了铅丹颜料变色的中间产物。上述工作为唐墓壁画研究提供更多的参考。  相似文献   

吐鲁番拜西哈尔石窟新发现的壁画大多已成残块,保存较为完整、能辨识清楚的有6幅。利用3D视频显徽镜、扫描电子显微镜及能谱仪等科学检测仪器对壁画的表面形貌、色彩分布、断面结构、壁画下层植物纤维的形态以及壁画颜料的化学成分进行观察、检测与分析,发现壁画表面颜料的保存现状存在较大差异,壁画中的粉底层和颜料层厚薄不均,总厚度波动范围也较大,壁画下层的植物纤维竖条纹明显,无横节。结合SEM-EDX检测结果推测出白、黑、红、绿、橘、蓝六种颜料的矿物成分,其中橘色与蓝色可能为两种矿物颜料的混合物。通过颜料层表面的清洗、颜料层和地杖层的加固、壁画颜料层起甲的处理、壁画表面石膏的去除、壁画的拼接和补泥、壁画残块的平整回软等措施,对壁画进行了有效地保护与修复。  相似文献   

麦积山石窟保存的大量壁画是研究石窟壁画艺术与佛教文化的珍贵实物资料。利用悬浮沉淀法、纤维形貌观察法,结合X射线荧光、X射线衍射、激光粒度分析、拉曼光谱等检测方法对麦积山131窟壁画残块地仗层及其添加物、颜料层进行科学检测分析。分析结果表明:131窟壁画地仗层使用的黏土应该是麦积山周边稍远地区的天然细质黄土,且粗、细泥层中均人为添加有砂粒,但粗泥层中添加砂粒较细泥层更多、颗粒较大且颗粒度不均匀。粗泥层中添加纤维为麦衣、麦秆,细泥层添加麻纤维。壁画烟熏污染物主要显色物质为燃料燃烧产生的炭黑,红色颜料主要是铅丹、朱砂、铁红,白色底色层的成分是方解石。研究结果不仅为探讨麦积山石窟壁画材质与制作工艺提供了基础数据,而且对后期壁画的保护修复也具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

2018年1月至2021年6月,采用红外相机技术监测了以石窟寺与古建筑为代表的4处遗产地动物活动,共布设相机22台,累计9 463个相机日,获得野生动物独立有效照片10 946张,监测到鸟兽类合计6目13科18种;依据相对多度指数(RAI)确定莫高窟、炳灵寺石窟、麦积山石窟和紫金庵典型优势物种分别为:大沙鼠(Rhombomys opimus)(RAI:35.75)、岩鸽(Columba rupestris)(RAI:75.99)、岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)(RAI:43.17)和珀氏长吻松鼠(Dremomys pernyi)(RAI:43.65);4种优势物种季节性活动均表现为夏季最高,冬季最低;月活动节律为每年8月最高,1月最低;大沙鼠、岩鸽、岩松鼠、珀氏长吻松鼠日活动高峰分别为8∶00~10∶00、10∶00~12∶00、10∶00~12∶00、2∶00~4∶00。鸟兽类主要通过抓痕、筑巢、粪便污染等形式危害文物,结合上述研究,提出了针对性的防治措施建议。研究结果为厘清遗产地动物种群特征、活动节律以及动物防治提供了技术支撑和科学依据。  相似文献   

青海瞿昙寺是中原地区至今保存较完整,集古建、雕刻彩绘和壁画于一体的明代早期官式建筑群。瞿昙寺瞿昙殿现存壁画约217.5 m2,是中原地区经典的明代早期藏传佛教壁画,具有珍贵的历史和学术研究价值。本研究通过显微镜(OM)、剖面分析(Cross-section)、扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDS)、X射线衍射(XRD)等多种分析方法,对瞿昙寺瞿昙殿壁画制作材料及工艺开展了初步调查分析。结果显示:瞿昙殿壁画以砖墙体为支撑体,地仗层由粗泥层和细泥层组成;地仗中粗细泥层含沙量不等,粗泥层含沙量约60%,细泥层含沙量较少,约为16%~25%;地仗层中总体纤维含量为3%左右;地仗土粒度级配良好,粒径多集中在1~100 μm之间;地仗中含少量硫酸钠和氯化钠;瞿昙殿壁画使用颜料主要为铅丹、朱砂、氯铜矿、副氯铜矿、石青等矿物颜料,颜料层厚度20~200 μm之间;铅丹颜料在瞿昙殿中出现“章丹打底银朱盖面”的分层应用以及铅丹变色的现象;瞿昙殿壁画中明代壁画无底色层,清代乾隆时期壁画有底色层。本次分析研究获得瞿昙殿壁画层位、地仗组成和颜料使用信息,为瞿昙殿壁画科学保护和深入研究提供重要的第一手资料。  相似文献   

为了解徐显秀墓壁画的颜料成分和制作工艺,利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、拉曼光谱、X射线衍射等方法对墓葬壁画颜料进行了分析和研究。结果表明,颜料均为无机颜料,红色颜料主要有铁红和朱砂;黄色颜料为密陀僧;黑色颜料为炭黑;灰色为碳酸钙和炭黑的混合物;白色颜料有碳酸钙和含砷铅矿物,其中碳酸钙既为地仗层,又做颜料层,另外墓道白灰层则主要为石膏。分析结果为了解北齐时期墓葬壁画颜料的时代和技术特征提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

永乐宫原位于山西省芮城县永乐镇,建于1247—1368年,是为纪念吕洞宾而修建的。其壁画绘制700多年来,历经多次自然灾害和修缮,还经历了20世纪60年代的整体搬迁,目前壁画已出现常见的颜料层起甲、脱落、粉化等病害,还存在拼接缝开裂起翘,表层画面受污染变色的状况。由于早期切割、搬迁和修复的大量介入,现存壁画表面及内部结构都发生了巨大的变化。永乐宫在搬迁过程中保存下来的少量壁画残块,一定程度上代表了永乐宫壁画的原始状态,是研究早期壁画材料和工艺信息的重要的和极有价值的样本。对此,针对取自永乐宫的11块壁画残块的微量样品,通过光学显微镜(OM)、剖面分析(cross-section analysis)、X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDS)等多种分析手段,对其制作材料和工艺进行初步调查分析,并取得了其相关壁画地仗、颜料材质及绘制壁画层位的信息,为永乐宫壁画的科学保护和深入研究提供了重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

炳灵寺169窟是炳灵寺石窟群中规模最大、内容最丰富、最具代表性的石窟。本文主要结合历史文化背景,对炳灵寺169窟塑像、壁画的总体艺术风格进行分析和研究。  相似文献   

本书为中国古迹遗址保护协会石窟专业委员会、龙门石窟研究院汇编的论文集,主要分为"石窟研究"和"石窟保护"两大部分,具体内容包括石窟考古研究、艺术研究、造像研究、壁画研究、佛教研究以及石窟寺的环境监测、保护材料、保护工艺等。书中文章均为编辑委员会精心筛选,学术观点新颖,  相似文献   

广汉龙居寺中殿壁画为四川地区明代建筑壁画中精品。为了解该壁画制作材料与工艺,采用显微观察、激光粒度仪分析、X射线衍射、拉曼光谱、酶联免疫等方法,对样品结构形态和材料组成进行了分析。结果表明:该壁画载体为编竹夹泥墙结构。地仗层泥土颗粒矿物成分主要为石英、钠长石,颗粒组成墙体壁画以粉粒为主、砂粒次之,垫拱板壁画粗泥层比细泥层砂粒含量偏低、粉粒含量偏高;加筋材料粗泥层为稻草秸秆、谷壳等,细泥层为棉或麻纤维。颜料层显色成分为古代壁画常见矿物颜料,红色为朱砂、铅丹,绿色为氯铜矿、副氯铜矿,白色为方解石、滑石,黑色为炭黑,蓝色为石青,黄色为针铁矿,胶料为动物胶或蛋清。该壁画在四川地区明代建筑壁画制作材料与工艺上具有典型性,主要体现在载体结构类型、地仗层材料组成、颜料层显色成分等方面。研究成果不仅可为该壁画后期保护修复提供依据,而且丰富了对四川地区明代建筑壁画的认识。  相似文献   

克孜尔石窟是蜚声中外的佛教艺术宝库,其丰富的历史文化遗存,是研究丝绸之路文化交流与融合的重要实物资料。为了解克孜尔石窟第189窟前发现的蓝色颜料,采用X射线衍射(XRD)对其成分进行分析,采用拉曼、扫描电镜能谱仪(SEM-EDS)将其与第189窟壁画蓝色样品的元素组成及物相进行对比,采用酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)、透射傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)对其可能含有的胶结材料进行分析。结果表明,该出土蓝色颜料样品为青金石,胶结材料为植物胶。研究表明,通过多种分析手段联合使用,可以更全面、客观地了解分析对象的各种信息,为今后克孜尔石窟壁画制作材料及制作工艺的分析提供经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

This study concerns the investigation of mortar layers and pigments of wall paintings from the Roman town of Emona (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Fragments of wall paintings consist of up to three preserved mortar layers. The mineralogical–petrographic compositions of the mortars were determined by means of optical microscopy and FT–IR spectroscopy. The investigated samples were divided into several groups based on similar thicknesses of the mortar layer, the binder colour and the composition of an aggregate. Furthermore, the results of mercury intrusion porosimetry showed that mortar layers consisting of carbonate grains exhibited lower porosity with respect to layers with mainly silicate grains, which is attributed to the angular shapes of carbonate aggregate. This is in accordance with the drilling resistance measurement system test (DRMS), confirming that layers with angular carbonate grains are harder than those with addition of rounded silicate ones, due to the good packing effect. The wall paintings were mainly executed using the fresco technique, while for some details secco was used. The identified pigments were red and yellow ochre, green earth, Egyptian blue, carbon black and lime white; all of them belonged to the so‐called austere pigment, which is quite common in Roman wall paintings.  相似文献   

Here, we report the physico‐chemical characterization of wall paintings from the Petros and Paulos church in Ethiopia. This work represents the first technical study of paintings located in Ethiopia, rather than paintings in museum collections outside the country, using diverse analytical techniques. In situ examination with a portable X‐ray fluorescence spectrometer (pXRF) was followed by analysis of samples using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), micro‐Raman spectroscopy (MRS), attenuated total reflection – Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR‐FT–IR), X‐ray powder diffraction (XRD) and pyrolysis gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (Py‐GC/MS). The paint stratigraphy, the compositions of the support material, the preparatory and painting layers were studied, as well as the morphology of the pigment particles. The results revealed the use of earth pigments and carbon black. The preparatory layer was uncommon; composed of dolomite, clay rich in clinochlore and sand, in contrast to the more common gypsum and calcite. The binder and the stratigraphic analyses suggested a distempera technique.  相似文献   

From the rather difficult excavations that have taken place in Thebes since the beginning of the last century, many fragmentary but often well-preserved paintings on plaster have been unearthed. These belong to several contexts and periods: House of Kadmos (Late Helladic IIIA), Treasury Room (Late Helladic IIIB1) and Oikopedon Spourli (Late Helladic III). Their iconography, style and technology fit well with other paintings from the Late Bronze Age sites found in the vicinity of Thebes (e.g. Gla and Orchomenos). This paper presents a technological study of the Bronze Age painted plaster from Thebes, Greece. The paintings were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction; stereo, reflected light and scanning electron microscopy; some by laser-induced breakdown spectrometry and by micro-Raman spectroscopy, in order to identify the pigments and the composition of the plaster layers, and to determine the painting technique(s) that the artisans may have employed. The plaster layer onto which the paint layer was applied was often the only layer and consisted mainly of calcite, while a clay plaster formed the backing between the lime plaster coat and the actual wall surface. The pigments identified were: yellow ochre, haematite (red), cuprorivaite (Egyptian blue), indigo and possibly riebeckite for blue, charcoal (black), calcite (white), and a combination of black and red for purple. A detailed macroscopic study of the painted surface revealed several features, which indicated that the technique of al fresco painting was employed extensively, a technique already in use since the start of the Late Minoan I phase on Crete. A generally lower level of quality in the appearance of the later paintings (Treasury Room and Oikopedon Spourli) was also noted, but this was not reflected in the materials used or in their overall manipulation.  相似文献   

鸽子和蝙蝠的活动与排泄物污染是威胁北岳庙德宁之殿古建筑与古壁画安全的关键因素。本研究首先开展了德宁之殿动物病害现状调查,利用安防监控系统监测了大殿内蝙蝠的夜间活动特点,使用观鸟望远镜观测了鸽子的白天活动规律,并测定了病害动物排泄物的酸碱度和易溶盐含量。针对德宁之殿当前的动物病害问题,引入超声波驱赶法对大殿内病害动物进行驱逐,结合数字式声级计和单位面积蝙蝠排泄物重量变化对驱赶效果做出判定。结果表明:有近千只蝙蝠和数百只鸽子在德宁之殿内、外频繁活动;蝙蝠尿液呈酸性,富含硝酸盐和硫酸盐,其粪便为碱性,硝酸盐含量较高;鸽子粪便内含有较高的硝酸盐;病害动物排泄物易造成古壁画原有保存微环境改变,产生病害。安装超声波动物驱赶器后,大殿内蝙蝠平均活动时间缩短,活动强度受到了明显抑制,活动区单位面积内排泄物重量降低;大殿外鸽子也受到了驱赶器的影响,延迟返巢。超声波驱赶法在古建筑蝙蝠与鸽子病害防治过程中具有一定优势,同时有必要实施其它物理防治和机械防治等主动干预措施,以进一步提高综合防治效率。  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to analyze the materials and techniques of the paintings in the 16th-century ce St Mary's Church, to evaluate deterioration of the paintings, and to propose a suitable conservation treatment for their preservation. The material analysis of ground, pigments, binders, and plasters was undertaken using binocular microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM)–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in reflectance (KBr) and transmittance mode (attenuated total reflection), thin-film X-ray diffraction, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for identifying proteinaceous and lipidic materials extracted from the micro-samples. The study generated data on two different red and green pigments used as decorative materials. The red pigments were identified as cinnabar along with traces of hematite and clay minerals, and green as malachite and the minor presence of other minerals. SEM analysis identified cotton fiber embedded in the coarse plaster layer that provided better strength to the plaster. Plant oils and proteins found as the binder in the pigment samples suggested that the painting technique was executed as tempera. Lead white and gypsum materials were used in previous restoration works.  相似文献   

赵用贤宅彩绘是江苏明代无地仗层彩绘的重要遗物。为对其进行保护,采用XRD、FT-IR、EDS及视频显微镜等检测分析彩绘成分和结构层次,较为成功地解决了旧木材内油溶性成分极易因溶剂作用带出,部分彩绘上人为涂饰石灰、涂料的去除等技术难点。同时采用接近原胶粘剂性能的复合天然材料(脱色明胶和壳聚糖复配物)加固彩绘,并以溶剂型有机硅材料封护保护。结果表明,保护处理后不仅有效地延长了加固材料的寿命,同时符合可再处理原则。  相似文献   

达玛沟佛寺是新疆和田地区重要的佛教遗址,具有极高的佛教及艺术价值,对我国乃至东亚的佛教艺术都有着重要的影响。为研究新疆达玛沟佛寺遗址出土壁画颜料成分及工艺,以壁画文物残块为研究对象,利用体视显微镜、X荧光光谱仪、X射线衍射仪、拉曼光谱仪、偏光显微镜等多种仪器对其进行了分析鉴定。结果表明,达玛沟佛寺所使用的颜料全部为矿物颜料,其中蓝色颜料为青金石,绿色颜料为氯铜矿,白色颜料为石膏,红色颜料为朱砂,褐色颜料为铁红,赭黄色颜料为铁黄。该研究为探索中国西域佛教史、美术工艺史及后期修复保护材料、工艺选择提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Pigments sampled from wall paintings and from crayons taken on the floor, at the Grottes de la Garenne (Saint-Marcel – Indre, France) have been analyzed and characterized by infrared spectroscopy, Raman micro-spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, ICP/MS and analytical TEM. The red pigment used for the wall paintings is mainly composed by hematite, clays, carbon matter and carbonates. Results on the red pigments show that the compositions of the paintings are similar to that of some crayons. Regarding these analyses, their origin is compatible with local siderolithic facieses. Analysis of black pigments shows that they are made of cryptomelane, pyrolusite, clays, carbonates and carbon matter. It shows also that paintings and some crayons compositions are compatible. On the contrary of red pigments, the origin of black pigments is probably allochtonous. Indeed, the traces of thallium detected in cryptomelane, the cerium anomaly and the absence of iron are not compatible with local facieses or other sites from the French Massif Central.  相似文献   

The determination of the chemical composition of different parts of wall paintings (pigments, mortars and binders) provides information about technology of preparation of an artefact. Herein, we present a multi-methodological characterisation of wall paintings from a Roman archaeological site in Cuma, focusing on differences between an indoor (domus) and outdoor fabrication (a temple, Tempio con Portico (TCP)). Both pigments, binders and mortars were studied via a combination of destructive/μ-destructive (mass spectrometry, ionic chromatography, ICP-based techniques) and non-destructive (Raman microscopy, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and X-ray diffraction) methodologies. Particularly, the systematic presence of dolomite only in mortars from TCP may suggest an intentional use of such limestone for the outdoor fabrication of public interest. Differences between TCP and domus are also related to the composition of the pigment binder. In particular, the detected binders (studied by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS) were proteinaceous in the case of domus (possibly egg and animal glue) and drying oils in the case of TCP. Ultimately, our multi-methodological study provides an overall picture of the material components of paintings from fabrications with different use, proposing a hypothesis on technological choices according to conservative and destination reasons.  相似文献   

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