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引用本文:孔哲生,李恩佳. 金山咀秦代建筑遗址发掘报告[J]. 文物春秋, 1992, 0(Z1)
作者姓名:孔哲生  李恩佳
摘    要:<正> 遗址位于河北省秦皇岛市北戴河区金山咀及其附近(图一,(1))。金山咀系一伸入海中的高岗岬角,其东、南、西三面环海,北与陆地相连,形如一个半岛。据调查,秦代建筑遗址在金山咀及其附近原有较大范围的分布。多年来,这里被辟为旅游区,兴修了大量现代建筑,对遗址造成大面积的破坏,目前可以工作的地方已寥寥无几。 这一带属沿海丘陵区,地势高低错落,起伏较大。目前已知的秦代建筑遗址分布在以金

Excavation of the Jinshanzui Building Site of Qin Dynasty
Abstract:The exposing of Hengshan Building Site is one component of the big building groups at Jinshanzui in Beidaihe seaside. 21 single buildings (fall into 14units,4 groups), cellar caveso, wells, cooking stoves and water pipeline are discovered. The plane distribution of the Build-ing site has been gotten a clear understanding. Because the excavation of the Site has not completely finished, a large number of debris has not been cleared, and the understanding of the architectural structure is only partly.In view of the scale of the Building Site and its unearthed utensils, it is an imperial palace constructed in Qin Dynasty: but the architectural structure is very simple, it seems that it may not be the palace, that it should be the subsidiary part of the palace, the palace area may bo in Jinshanzui Building Site.The building groups, similarly to that of the Jinsbanzui Site, were also found in Suizhong Liaoning Province, It was deduced that when Qinshihuang went on an inspection in the 32th year of Qinshihuang, the architecture group centreing around the steleyard was the imperial pnlace for short stays, we also agree on this point. The geographical condition, building scale and the unearthed utensilsin Jinshanzui arc extremily similar to that in Suizhong. It is also pointed out that the date and characters of the two sites are the same, they are all parts of the imperial palace for short stays. These manifest that: The scale of the Xinggorig (imperial palace for short stays ) is magnificient, it is not a building group, but a huge building complex, combined with many building groups, they distributed along the seaside of the Bohai sea between Jinshanzui and Zhicuowan.The archaeological work of the Qin -Han Xinggong is only at the beginning. In order to get a clear understanding of its distribution and contents, We must do more investigation excavation and research works.The exposing of the Hengshan Building Site offers valuable materials in kind for the research of the origin of the name -Qinhuangdao, the geography and history of Qinhuangdao, and also for the research of the Chinese ancient history and Chinese ancient history of architecture.
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