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The Achaian Vapheio Cup and Its Afterlife in Archaic South Italy
Authors:John K. Papadopoulos
Affiliation:Department of Classics and The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology University of California, Los Angeles Fowler A210 Los Angeles, California 90095-1510 U.S.A.
Abstract:Summary.   This article publishes an Archaic Greek cup of individual form from the extramural sanctuary of the Achaian colony of Sybaris at Francavilla Marittima in south Italy. The Francavilla cup, which is Achaian or Achaian-style, is fully discussed and similar Archaic cups from the site of Incoronata, near the Achaian apoikia of Metapontion, are assembled. These vessels find no immediate parallel among contemporary Greek or indigenous pottery of the seventh and earlier sixth centuries BC, but bear a remarkable similarity to the characteristic cylindrical, so-called Vapheio cups of the Aegean Bronze Age which are known in metal, clay and stone versions from as early as the Early Minoan III period through the Late Helladic era. It is argued that these cups represent the Archaic creation or re-creation of a well-known Bronze Age shape in the Achaian apoikiai of south Italy.
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