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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article: Logos Islamikos: Studia Islamica in Honorem Georgii Michaelis Wickens. Edited by Roger M. Savory and Dionisius A. Aguis. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1984. vii plus 351 pp. Bibliography. Index. $32.00. Actes du premier congrès international d'études arabes chrétiennes. Edited by Khalil Samir. Orientalia Christiana Analecta 218]. Rome; Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1982. 312 pp. 21.000 Lire it. Palast, Moschee und Wüstenschloss Das Werden der islamischen Kunst 7.-9. Jahrhundert. By Heinrich Gerhard Franz. Graz, Austria: Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, 1984. 166 pp. 72 Text Figures. 166 Photographs in 64 Plates. DM 54.-. A Wife For My Son. By Ali Ghalem. Chicago: Banner Press, 1984 (orig. ed., 1979, in French). 211 pp. $5.95. Islam, Christianity, and African Identity. By Sulayman S. Nyang. Brattleboro, Vermont: Amana Books, 1984. 106 pp. $6.95. The Economic Functions of the Early Islamic State. By S.M. Hasan-uz-Zaman. Karachi, Pakistan: International Islamic Publishers, 1981. xvi plus 370 pp. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Paperback, n.p. Man Is a Cause: Political Consciousness and the Fiction of Ghassan Kanafani. By Muhammad Siddiq. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1984. 108 pp. Chronology. Bibliography. $9.95, paperback. Islam and Revolution in Africa. By Aziz A. Batran. Brattleboro, VT: Amana Books, 1984. 51 pp. $4.95. A Clarification of Questions: An Unabridged Translation of Risaleh Tawzih al-Masael. By Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini. Translated by J. Borujerdi with a foreword by Michael M.J. Fischer and Mehdi Abedi. Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1984. xxxiv plus 432 pp. Indices. Appendices, n.p. The State and Revolution in Iran. By Hossein Bashiriyeh. London: Croom Helm and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. 203 pp. Bibliography, Index. $27.50. Oceidentosis: A Plague From the West. By Jalal Al-I Ahmad. Translated by R. Campbell. Annotations and Introduction by Hamid Algar. Berkeley: Mizan Press, 1984. 137 pp. Notes and Index. $5.95. A Calendar of Documents on Indo-Persian Relations (1500-1750) Volumes I & II]. By Riazul Islam. Karachi: Iranian Culture Foundation, Tehran, and Institute of Central and West Asian Studies, Karachi, 1979, 1982. Vol. I, xxviii plus 511 pp. Vol. II, xxv plus 489 pp. $30.00 for each volume. The Bahr Ul-Asrār, Travelogue of South Asia. By Mahmūd b. Am?r Wal? Balkh?. Edited by Riazul Islam. Karachi: Institute of Central and West Asian Studies, University of Karachi, 1980. 55 plus 106 pp. $5.00. The Majma' Al-Shur'arā' I-Jahāng?r Shāh?. By Mullā Qāti?- Heraw?. Edited by Muhammad Saleem Akhtar. Karachi: Institute of Central and West Asian Studies, University of Karachi, 1979. xvii & 42 plus 402 pp. $12.00. Islamic Thought and Culture. Edited by Ismā'?l R. al-Fārūq?. Washington, D.C.: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1402/1982. 121 pp. n.p. Essays in Islamic and Comparative Studies. Edited by Ismā'?l R. al-Fārūq?. Washington, D.C.: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1402/1982. 120 pp. n.p. Muslims in the West, the Message and Mission. By Syed Abdul Hassan Ali Nadwi. London: The Islamic Foundation, 1983. 191 pp. n.p. The Middle East Political Dictionary. By Lawrence Ziring. Santa Barbara, California and Oxford, England: ABC-CLIO Information Services, 1984. xviii plus 452 pp. Maps. Tables. Bibliography. Index, n.p. The Writing of History in Nineteenth-Century Egypt: A Study in National Transformation. By Jack A. Crabbs, Jr. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, and Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 1984. 227 pp. $22.50, paper.
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