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摘    要:前秦苻坚重用前燕降将慕容垂是成功的,慕容垂在前秦的主要功绩是帮助苻坚统一了中国北方。前秦淝水之败,与慕容垂无关。384年其叛秦自立,是由于淝水战败及当时特定的历史环境和民族矛盾使然。苻坚重用慕容暐、慕容评则是错误的,给前秦的用人政策造成很坏的影响,带来严重的后果。

关 键 词:前秦  苻坚  前燕  慕容垂  慕容暐  慕容评

An Evaluation of the Former Qin Dynasty's Utilization of the Mu Rong Aristocrats of the Xianbei nationality
ZHANG Xian-chang.An Evaluation of the Former Qin Dynasty's Utilization of the Mu Rong Aristocrats of the Xianbei nationality[J].Journal of Historical Science,2002(5):42-45.
Authors:ZHANG Xian-chang
Abstract:With the help of general MuRong Cui from Qian Yan, Who had sunendered but been put in an important posi-tion, FuJian unified successfully the north of China. In fact, Qian Qin's failure in the war of River Fei had nothing to dowith MuRongcui. For reasons of the failure of River Fei war, special historic circumstances and ethnic conflicts, he be-trayed and independed. But the measure of putting MuRonwei and MuRong Ping in the key positions is a mistake, whichbrought greatly bad impact and serious consequences.
Keywords:Qian Qin  FuJian  Qian Yan  MuRongcui MuRong wei  MuRongPing  
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