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摘    要:4.透视技术了断了毛公鼎的真伪公案4.1真真假假毛公鼎台北故宫博物院收藏了一件腹内铸有五百字铭文的毛公鼎,系迄今为止所发现的铜器中铭文最长的一件(图15)。这件铜器相传在清朝道光末年出土于陕西歧山,当时如何出土,并没有确实的记录,出土之后流传的经过也暖味不明;目前所知最早的流传记录,是1852年收藏家陈介棋以高价向古董商苏亿年购得毛公鼎。清季乾、嘉之后,盛行金石考据之学,有铭文的古铜器十分珍贵,毛公鼎的五百字铭文堪称皇皇钜构,行家不莫不视为至宝。但在旧社会中,因怀宝而招祸之事,时有所闻,因此陈氏获得毛公…

Forecast on Chinese Antiquarianism Study from Mao-Gong Ding's Identification
Zhang Shixian.Forecast on Chinese Antiquarianism Study from Mao-Gong Ding's Identification[J].Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology,1995,7(1):44-48.
Authors:Zhang Shixian
Abstract:The famous archaeologist, Mr. Li Ji, praised highly the Lu Daling's standands in the Northern Song dynasty, firstly, the search for manufacture origin, secondly,the remedy of monument omission, and thirdly, the amendment about Confuician scholars, mistake. The last one is regarded as much more important in the Chinese archaeological field since several hundred years ago. The antiquarianism study became popular in the West since 1700's. It not only asks corrent archaeological methods setp by step, but also applies new scientific and technical research results,and connects the antiquarianism study with the science and technology history research, and then, the Lu Daling's three purposes are realized.In this paper, the author has investigated many Shang-Zhou bronze vessels with the X-ray method, and found that, firstly, spacers are always relative with ancient bronzes which produced by clay mold casting, secondly, different period spacers have their unique position and quantity characteristics, thirdly, on the X - ray radiograph of fake bronzes produced after Shang-Zhou Dynasties, there is no spacer remains, on the contrary, the appearance is similar to that of sand deposit under the water which phenomenon is never appeared on real Shang-Zhou bronzes' X - ray radiograph.According to above point the author, with the X-ray analysis, has studied the Mao Gong Ding which is a disputed vessel about its real or fake in the academic circles, then the author found that the spacer position on Mao Gong Ding is similar to that on bottom of tripod from the middle or later West Zhou dynasty to the early Spring and Autumn Period, and the other characteristics are also similar to that of Shang-Zhou bronzes. So it gives an evidence beyond controversy about Mao Gong Ding as an important bronze vessel in the West Zhou dynasty.
Keywords:Archaeology with scientific and technical method Mao Gong Ding identification  
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