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Twelfth annual meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences. June 19-23, 2007
Abstract:Christian Baumann (Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany): Wilbrand's ideas of the visual cortex. Hermann Wilbrand (1851-1935) is considered one of the founders of neuro-opthalmology. He is best known for the monumental handbook, Die Neurologie des Auges (Wilbrand &Saenger, 1898-1922). Prior to this encyclopedic work, Wilbrand published three clinical monographs on the diagnosis of brain diseases with the help of ophthalmological examinations(Wilbrand 1881, 1884, 1890). But Wilbrand not only treated clinical aspects but also supplied evidence for the localization of the optical center in the calcarine fissure of the occipital cortex. Moreover, he worked out theories of the organization of the visual cortex that, as he postulated, must contain subdivisions corresponding to the qualities of visual sensation such as light, form, and color. Wilbrand also considered the binocular input of the visual cortex and put forward a detailed scheme of the projection of the two retinae to the occipital cortex that anticipated modern concepts of ocular dominance columns. His ideas are critically reviewed in the light of current opinions about his topics.
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