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The far side of international business: local initiatives in the global workshop
Authors:Hansen  Gard Hopsdal
Abstract:This article presents a case study of the entry of two Norwegianlifeboat companies into the Chinese production system. Ratherthan merely studying the situation through the eyes of thesecompanies, it includes a perspective from the far side of internationalbusiness, i.e., the local competitors. The article argues thatto understand the dynamics and development of both internationalcompanies and localized production systems in a global economy,it is necessary to explore how international and local actorsreflexively evaluate and act upon each other. The article, thus,presents a model for studying the internationalization processand localized production systems.
Keywords:China  internationalization  clusters  unintentional knowledge transfer
Date submitted: 16 May 2007
              Date accepted:  1 October 2007
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