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引用本文:付淑华. 从桃花山唐墓出土的青瓷俑看唐初的服饰和音乐制度[J]. 江汉考古, 2004, 0(4): 58-63
摘    要:本通过对湖南桃花山唐墓出土的54件青瓷俑的分析,结合已有考古发掘成果与历史献相互印证,反映了唐代初年在民族大融合的前提下,各种化兼收并蓄,社会习俗发生了急剧变化,服饰和音乐制度亦在承袭前代基础上得到空前发展,形成了唐初特有的开放浪漫风格:衣着开放,胡服盛行,女着男装,并出现汉胡服饰相互结合的新的服饰款式一窄袖短襦下束宽大博广的长裙,农服上开始以钮扣装饰;汉胡乐器在乐队中同时出现,且数量上相互抗衡。墓中出土的伎乐俑是一支演奏“龟兹乐”的官府乐队俑,属坐部伎范畴,是唐代初年“燕乐”发展与繁荣的实物见证。

关 键 词:青瓷俑 唐代初期 服饰和音乐制度

Early Tang Dressing and Musical System Revealed by Celadon Figurines from Tombs at Taohuashan
Fu Shuhua. Early Tang Dressing and Musical System Revealed by Celadon Figurines from Tombs at Taohuashan[J]. Jianghan Archaeology, 2004, 0(4): 58-63
Authors:Fu Shuhua
Abstract:Based on study of 54 celadon figurines excavated from Tang tombs at Taohuashan, pre- vious archaeological finds and classical texts, this paper proposes that in a situation of national reunion, various cultures actively interacted with each other and social customs changed tremendously at the ear- ly Tang dynasty. Dressing and musical system developed rapidly and formed its unique style of open- ness and romance. For example, people had full freedoms in dressing; Hu costume was popular among Chinese, and woman dressed like a man. Additionally, a new hybrid style, the combination of Han and Hu costume appeared, which was featured by narrow sleeves, short coat, fat and long skirt, and orna- mental buttons. Furthermore, Han and Hu musical instruments were played side by side in a band. The celadon figurines, a kind of official band playing Kucha music, are material evidence of the flourish of banquet music at the early Tang dynasty.
Keywords:celadon figurines  early Tang dynasty  dressing and musical system  
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