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The southern highlands from Gourock
Authors:Frederick Mort MA  BSc  FGS  John Frew MA
Abstract:The British Mission to Uganda in 1893. By the late Sir Gerald Portal, K.C.M.G., C.B., the British Commissioner. Edited, with a Memoir, by Rennell Rodd, C.M.G. With the Diary of the late Captain Raymond Portal, and an Introduction by Lord Cromer, G.C.M.G. Illustrated from photographs by Colonel Rhodes. London: Edward Arnold, 1894. Pp. 351 and map. Price 21s.

Durch Massailand zur Nilquelle. Beisen und Forschungen der Massai‐Expedition des Deutschen Antisklavereikomite in den Jahren 1891–1S93. Von Dr. Oscar Baumann. Berlin. Geographische Verlagshandlung, Dietrich Reimer, 1894. Pp. 377, Index, Map, and 27 Plates. 140 Illustrations in text.

Die Liparischen Inseln. Erstes Heft, Vulcario : Zweites Heft, Salina. Prag: Heinrich Mercy, 1893.

Polar Gleams : An Account of a Voyage on the YachtBlencathra.” By Helen Peel. With a Preface by the Marquis of Dufferin, and Contributions by Captain Joseph Wiggins and Frederick G. Jackson. London : Edward Arnold, 1894. Pp. 211. Price 15s.

Die Beise S.M. SchiffesZrinyi “ nach Ost‐Asien. (Yang‐tse‐kiang und Gelbes Meer) 1890–91. Verfasst im Auftrage des k. undk. Reichs‐Kriegsministeriuins Marine‐Section, unter Zugrundelegung der Berichte des k. und k. Schiffs‐commandos, und ergänzt nach Consularberichten und anderen authentischen Quellen. Von Jerolim, Freiherrn von Benko, k. und k. Fregatten‐Capitän d. R. Mit einer Keiseskizze und acht lithographirten Tafeln. Wien : Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1894. Pp. xi + 439.

Andalusien. Eine Winterreise durch Südspanien und ein Ausflug nach Tanger. Von Ernst von Hesse‐Wartegg. Leipzig : Verlag von Carl Eeissner, 1894. Pp. viii + 443.

Some Salient Points in the Science of the Earth. By Sir J. William Dawson, C.M.G., LL.D., etc. With Forty‐six Illustrations. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1893. Pp. x + 499. Price 7s. 6d.

Life of General Sir Hope Grant, with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by Henry Knollys, Colonel (H.P.) Royal Artillery, his former A.D.C. William Blackwood and Sons, 1894. Two volumes, pp. 359 and 362, with Index and Illustrations.

Rulers of India: Sir Thomas Munro and the British Settlement of the Madras Presidency. By John Bradsiiaw, M.A., LL.D., Inspector of Schools, Madras. Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1894. Pp. 233. Price 2s. 6d.

Japan ("The Story of the Nations” Series). By David Murray, Ph.D., LL.D. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1894. Pp. v + 420. Price 5s.

Elementary Meteorology. By William Morris Davis, Professor of Physical Geography in Harvard College. Boston, U.S.A.: Ginn and Company, 1894. Pp. xii + 355. Price 10s. 6d.

Land Systems of Australasia. By William Epps, author of The People and the Land. London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co.; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1894. Pp. 184.

Special Report on the Agricultural Resources of Canada. By Robert Wallace, F.L.S., F.E.S.B.

Scotch Tenant‐Farmers on the Agricultural Resources of Canada. The Eeports of Mr. John Steven and Mr. Alexander Fraser on their visit to Canada in 1893.

Canadian Agriculture. A Report of a Visit to the Dominion in 1893. By Professor James Long. London: 1894.

Le Père Huc et ses Critiques. Par Henri‐Ph. d'Orléans. Paris: Calman Lévy, 1893. Pp. 65.

Anson's Voyage round the World in the Years 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744. By Richard Walker, M.A., Chaplain of the Flag‐ship Centurion. London, Glasgow, and Dublin : Blackie and Son, Limited, 1894. Pp. 220. Price 1s. 4d.

The County Directory of Scotland (for 1893–1896), containing the Postal Addresses of Mansions and other Rural Residences in Scotland; their Occupants; nearest Telegraph Office and Distance;also, the Postal and Telegraph Addresses of all Towns, Villages, etc. ; and various Information appertaining thereto. Postally edited by George Massie, General Post Office, Edinburgh. Proprietor and General Editor, Arthur Giles, F.R.S.G.S. Edinburgh : K. Grant and Son, 1894. Pp. xxx+ 1048.
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