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Geography at the British association 1956
Authors:A. J. Hunt
Affiliation:Department of Geography , Sheffield University

Geology and Scenery in Ireland. By J. B. Whitlow. 7 ¾ × 5, 301 pp., 38 plates, 46 figures Index. Penguin, London, 1975. £1.00.

Periglacial Processes and Environments. By A. L. Washburn. 320 pp. Maps, figures andnumerous plates. Edward Arnold, 1973. £6.75.

Global Climate. By Keith Boucher. 6 ½ 9 ¼, 326 pp. 31 plates, figures, glossary, bibliography. English Universities Press, London, 1975. £2.85.

Principles of Applied Climatology. By Keith Smith. 9 ½ × 8 ½, 283 pp. Diagrams, references, index. McGraw‐Hill, Maidenhead, 1975. £5.25.

Plant Geography. By Martin C. Kellman. 9 ½ × 6 ½, 135 pp. 25 figures, 12 plates, biblioography, glossary, index. Methuen, Andover, 1975. £3.20.


The Mineral Resources of Britain: A Study in Exploitation and Planning. By John Blunden. 9 ¼ × 9, 545 pp. 17 plates, index, bibliography. Hutchinson, London, 1975. £12.50.

Locational dynamics of manufacturing activity. Ed. L. Collins and D. F. Walker. 23.5 × 16 cms, 402 pp. Diagrams and tables, index. Wiley, Chichester, 1975. £10.00.

People on the move: Studies on internal migration. Ed. L. A. Kosinski and R. M. Prothero. 9 ½ × 6 ¼. 393 pp. Illustrations, Index, Bibliography. Methnen, 1975. £8 50.

Rural Recreation in the Industrial World. By I. G. Simmons. 9 ¼ × 6, 310 pp. Tables, plates, index, bibliography. Edward Arnold, Maidenhead, 1975. £9.95.


Eastern Europe: A Geography of the COMECON Countries. By Roy E. H. Mellor. 9 ½ × 6 ¼, 358 pp., illustrations, bibliography, index. Macmillan, 1975. £7.90 (paperback £3 95).

An Economic Geography of Romania. By David Turnock. 8 ¾ × 5 ¾. Pp. xiii + 319. Illustrations, index, bibliographical note. G. Bell, London, 1974. £6.25.

Rhodes. By Brian Dicks. 8 ¾ × 5 ½. 200 pp. Illustrations, Bibliography, Index. David, and Charles, Newton Abbot, 1974. £3 75.


Oxford Geography Project: (1) The Local Framework, 126 pp., (2) European Patterns, 130 pp. and (3) Contrasts in Development, 164 pp. By J. Rolfe, C. Rowe, M. Grenyer, et al. 9 ½ × 9, illustrated, O.U.P., London, 1974‐5. £1.25 each.

Patterns in Geography One. By W. R. Rice. 92 pp. + 30 worksheets. Longman, 1973. 85p. The Elements of Geography in Colour. By Dobson ant Virgo. 204 pp. E.U.P., 1974. £1.35. A Geography of Natural Landscapes. By R. Andrews. 138 pp. George Philip, 1975. £3.90.

Aspects of Geography Series: General Editors: Keith Clayton and T. H. Elkins. Energy: Needs and Resources: Peter Odell; Resource Systems: Ian and Caroll Simmons; Weathering and Landforms: Cliff Olier; Recreation and Environment: Peter Toyne; Regional Disparities: Morgan Sant; Slope Development: Anthony and Doreen Young. Macmillan Education Ltd., 1974.
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