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Reviews of books

Island Going—to the Remoter Isles, chiefly Uninhabited, off the North‐West Corner of Scotland. By Robert Atkinson. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 384. 7 figs. 47 plates. End‐paper maps. London: William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1949. 16s.

The Cairngorms on Foot and Ski. By V. A. Firsoff. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 279. 49 photographs. Line drawings by the author. Map. London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1949. 15s.

Cumberland and Westmorland. By Norman Nicholson. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. x+250. 49 illustrations. Map. The County Books.] London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1949. 15s.

Norfolk. By R. H. Mottram, 9×7. Drawings by Kenneth Rowntree. 55 photographs. 2 maps. Vision of England.] London: Paul Elek (Publishers) Ltd., 1948. 9s 6d.

’Twixt Foyle and Swilly. By Harry Percival Swan, P.C., F.R.S.A.I., M.R.I.A. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. xix+247. 155 illustrations. Sketch map. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis and Co. Ltd., 1949. 10s 6d.

A History of Denmark. By John Danstrup. Translated into English by Verner Lindberg. 8×5. Pp. 195. 4 maps. Copenhagen: Wivel, 1948. Kr. 12.50.

Rome and its Environs. 7 1/4 × 4 3/4. Pp. x+84. 19 photographs. Map. Les Guides bleus, English series.] Paris: Éditions Nagel, 1950. 250 fr.


Guide to 14 Asiatic Languages. By Andrew Boyd. 7 1/2 × 5. Pp. x+262. London: The Pilot Press Ltd., 1947. 9s 6d.


Perspectivas económicas de Angola. By A. C. Valdez Thomaz dos Santos. 9×6. Pp. 235. 3 figs. 28 photographs. Lisbon: Agência Geral das Colónias, 1949.


History of the Buccaneers of America. By James Burney, F.R.S.” Introduction by Malcolm Barnes. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. xvi+382. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Reprinted (1912) from the edition of 1816. Second impression, 1949. 18s.


Tell the White Man: The Life Story of an Aboriginal Lubra. By H. E. Thonemann. 8 1/4 × 5 1/2. Pp. 190. 29 illustrations. End‐paper sketch maps. London and Sydney: William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1949. 12s 6d.

The Coral Sea. By Alan Villiers. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp.291. 37 plates. Maps by Stephen J. Voorhies. Oceans of the World, 3.] London: Museum Press Ltd., 1949. 18s.


A Camera in Antarctica. By Alfred Saunders, f.i.b.p., f.r.p.s. 10 × 7 1/2. Pp. 160. 72 photographs by the author. End‐paper maps. London: Winchester Publications Ltd., 1950. 21s.

That Frozen Land: The Story of a Year in the Antarctic. By David James. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 204. 30 illustrations. 2 maps. 1 plan. London: The Falcon Press Ltd., 1949. 12s 6d.


A Labrador Doctor. The Autobiography of Sir Wilfred Thomason Grenfell, K.C.M.G., M.D.(Oxon.), F.R.C.S. Introduction by Sir Henry Richards, C.B., LL.D. 9×6. Pp.350. Portrait. End‐paper maps. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1948. 15s.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przheval'skii. By N. M. Karataev. 8 1/2 × 5 3/4. Pp.284. Frontispiece. Map. Nauchno ‐ Populyarnaya Seriya.] Moscow and Leningrad: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 1948. 15 roubles.


Physical Geography. By Philip Lake. Revised and enlarged by J. A. Steers, G. Manley, and W. V. Lewis. Edited by J. A. Steers. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. xxviii+410. 204 figs. 24 plates. 7 maps. Cambridge: University Press. Second edition, 1949. 15s.

Fundamentals of Economic Geography. By Nels A. Bengtson and W. van Royen. Third edition revised in collaboration with A. Espenshade and P. Meigs. 10×7. Pp. xxviii+574. Diagrams, charts, graphs, photographs, and maps. London: Constable and Company Ltd. Third edition, 1950. 42s.

An Historical and Political Geography of Europe. By N. J. G. Pounds, M.A., Ph.D. 8 × 5 1/2. Pp. 540. 163 figs. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1947. 25s.

The Parish Church. By Patrick Thornhill. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 48. Illustrated. The Get to Know Series.] London: The Pilot Press Ltd., 1948. 2s.


Les Fondements de la Géographie humaine. By Max. Sorre. 10 × 6 1/2. Tome II. Les fondements techniques. Deuxième partie. Les techniques de production et de transformation des matières premières. Pp. 611–1031. Figs. 36–61. Paris: Armand Colin, 1950. 1000 fr.

History. By V. Gordon Childe. 7 1/2 × 5. Pp.86. 10 illustrations. Past and Present, Vol. 6.] London: Cobbett Press Ltd., 1947. 7s 6d.
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