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Notes on Venezuela
Authors:D'Aroy W Thompson
Institution:Department of Geography , University College , Southampton

Highways and Byways in South Wales. By A. G. Bradley; with Illustrations by Frederick S. Griggs. London: Macmillan and Co., 1903. Pp.418. Price 6s.

Côtes et Ports Français de la Manche. By Charles Lenthiérie. Paris: Plon, Nourrit et Cie. Pp. 319, with 8 Maps. Price 5 francs.

The Survey Atlas of England and Wales. John Bartholomew and Co., The Geographical Institute, Edinburgh. Under the patronage of the Royal Geographical Society, 1903.

Botany of the Fæeröes, based upon Danish Investigations. Part II. Copenhagen: Det Nordiske Vorlag, Ernst Bojesen. 1903.


Formosa wider the Dutch, described from Contemporary Records. By Rev. Wm. Campbell, F.R.G.S., English Presbyterian Mission, Tainan. London: Kegan, Paul and Co., 1903. Pp. 629. Price 12s.

Le Japon d'aujourd'hui. Par G. Weulebsee. Paris : Armand Colin, 1904. Pp. 364. Price 4 fr.

L'Armée Chinoise. Par Général H. Frey, de l'Armée Coloniale. Paris : Hachette et Oie, 1904. Pp. 173.

Fasciculi Malayenses. Anthropological and Zoological Results of an Expedition to Perak and the’ Siamese Malay States, 1901–1902, undertaken by Nelson Annandale and Herbert 0. Robinson, under the auspices of the University of Edinburgh and University College, Liverpool. Anthropology: Part I. Zoology : Part I, Published for the University Press of Liverpool by Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York, and Bombay. 1003.


Beautiful Biskra. By C. Howard Tripp. Derby, London, and Watford : Bemiose and Sons, Ltd., 1903. Pp. vi + 93. Price 1s.

St. Helena: the Historic Island. By E. L. Jackson. London, New York, and Melbourne: Ward, Lock and Co., Ltd., 1903. Pp. iv + 343. Price 6s.

A Search for the Mashed Tawareks. By W. J. Harding King, M.R.A.S., F.RG.S. London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1903. Pp. viii + 334. Price 12s. 6d.

Dawn in the Dark Continent of Africa and its Missions : the Duff Missionary Lectures for 1902. By James Stewart, D.D., M.D., etc. Pp. 400. With Maps by J. G. Bartholomew. Edinburgh and London : Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier.

La Vérité sur le Congo. Bruxelles : J. Lebègue et Cie.


Jamaica as it is, 1903. By B. Pollen‐Barry. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1903. Pp. xv + 240. Price 6s.


Western Australian Year Book for 1900–1. By Malcolm A. C. Fraser. Government Statistician and Registrar‐General for Western Australia, Perth, 1902.

Two Awheel and Some Others Afoot in Australia. By Arthur Jose. London: J. M. Dent and Co. Pp. 216. 24 Illustrations. Price 3s. 6d. net.


Geographen‐Kalender, herausgegeben von Dr. Hermann Haack. Erster Jahrgang, 1903–1904. Gotha : Justus Perthes, 1903. Pp. xv + 124. Price M. 3.

The Scottish Historical Review, being a new series of The Scottish Antiquary established 1886. Glasgow : MacLehose and Sons.

The Text and Versions of John de Piano Carpini and William de Rubruquis, as printed for the first time by Hakluyt in 1598, together with some shorter pieces. Edited by C. Raymond Beazley, M. A., F.R.G.S. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Sooiety, 1903.

The Mutual Relations of the Sun and Earth. By C. Robertson, M.D., M.R.S.G.S., Edinburgh : St. Giles Printing Company, 1903. Pp. 59.

A Monograph on the Tsetse Flies, genus Glossina (Westwood), based on the collection in the British Museum. By Ernest Edward Austen. With a chapter on mouth parts by H. J. Hansen. “Pp. ix + 319. London : Printed by order of the Trustees, 1903.
Keywords:Deprivation  Inner City  Outer City  Policy Implications
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