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引用本文:王春芳. 近代安徽米粮经纪业述论[J]. 安徽史学, 2015, 0(4): 154-159. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-605X.2015.04.019
作者单位:安徽大学 管理学院,安徽 合肥,230039
基金项目:安徽省社科规划项目“近代安徽稻米流通研究(1877-1937)”( AHSK11-12 D51)的阶段性成果。
摘    要:米粮经纪业是近代安徽米粮交易不可或缺的主体。根据服务对象的不同,分为代表买卖双方的买卖行、代表卖方的卖行和代表买方的买行;米粮交易程序也因而有异。近代安徽米粮经纪行的数量总体颇多,但也因米粮贸易的兴衰而有所变动。各地米粮经纪行规模各异,在内部结构和经营内容方面也相应地有所不同。米粮经纪业通过血缘、业缘和地缘建立起商业信息网络和较为稳定的商务关系网络,成为皖米市场网络的"神经中枢"。

关 键 词:米粮经纪业  安徽  近代

On the Rice Brokerages in Modern Anhui
Abstract:The rice brokerage is the indispensable subject of rice trading in modern Anhui. According to the service ob-ject,it can be classified three tapes: represents both the buyer and the seller,the seller and the buyer;thus,the rice trading procedure is different too. Totally,its number is quite a lot,but changes because of the rise and fall of the rice trade in modern Anhui. And it have different scale in various regions,accordingly,the internal structure and operational content varies,too. Es-tablishs a business information network and stable business network by the relationship of blood,profession and geography,the rice brokeage become “the nerve center” of Anhui rice market network.
Keywords:rice brokerage  Anhui  in modern times
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