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作者单位:惠州学院 政治法律系,广东 惠州,516007
摘    要:1911年10月10日,武昌起义爆发。清政府重新启用袁世凯镇压革命党。袁世凯预判中国政治态势,周旋于革命派、清政府、立宪派等各派力量之间,一方面以北洋军的强势压迫革命党人;另一方面以革命党人的杀气威胁清政府,最后迫使清朝皇帝退位,促成了中华民国,实现了政治制度的转型,有利于中国社会的稳定和发展。但是,袁世凯本质上是一个封建官僚,缺乏民主共和思想,他不但没有积极推进民主进程,反而妄图坚持独裁专制,复辟帝制,又成了阻挡历史车轮的势力。结合清末民初的社会现实,对袁世凯的性格心理及其所作所为进行分析,有助于加深对于袁世凯本人以及这段历史的认识。

关 键 词:袁世凯  辛亥革命  影响

On Yuan Shi-kai and Success and Failure of the Revolution of 1911
Abstract:On October 10,1911 Wuchang Uprising broke out,Yuan Shi-kai accurately estimated the China’ s political situation and direction,finally forced the emperor of Qing Dynasty abdicated,established the Republic of China. But Yuan Shi-kai was essentially a feudal bureaucrats,tried to resume the monarchy,and became block on history. Combined with the so-cial reality of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China,the article tries to analyze Yuan shi-kai’ s behavior and psychology,which will contribute to deepen the understanding for Yuan Shi-kai as well as for this phase of history.
Keywords:Yuan Shi-kai  the Revolution of 1911  influence
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