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摘    要:商西周是中国青铜器的黄金时代,青铜艺术发展到了顶峰,其铸造之精良,造型之美观,纹饰之优美和富于变化,已达到了无以复加的地步。但是,商西周居于青铜文化中心地位的,是所谓“国之大事,在礼与戎”的青铜礼器和青铜兵器,而作为日常生活用品的青铜镜,并未受到重视。春秋战国之交,社会大变革,思想大解放,礼崩乐坏,

关 键 词:春秋战国  特种工艺  汉代  日常生活用品  思想大解放  黄金时代  艺术发展  青铜文化

On Special Artistic Mirrors of Spring and Autumn,Warring States Periods and Han Dynasties (I)
Fu Juyou.On Special Artistic Mirrors of Spring and Autumn,Warring States Periods and Han Dynasties (I)[J].Collectors,2009(3):51-58.
Authors:Fu Juyou
Abstract:The period of Spring and Autumn,Warring States and Han dynasties was the prosperous era in Chinese history of casting special artistic mirrors. The author defines that the artistic mirror consists of inlaid mirror,gold and silver inlaid,gold-decorated,gold-overlaid,lacquer painting,silverbacked mirror,etc. According to archaeology discovery of the classification of mirrors,the paper takes examples to explain the way how to cast the artistic mirror,its characteristics and symbolizing works. Meantime, the aut...
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