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摘    要:敬播以他的博学多识,参与了唐初许多重要史学活动,为唐前期史学发展做出不可磨灭的贡献。他身在史馆,能秉笔直书,所纂高祖、太宗《实录》,被誉为"信而详"、"颇多详直",从而赢得"陈寿之流"的美誉。他对史书的编纂体例有独到见解,纂修《晋书》有发凡起例之功。他参与纂修隋史,为唐初"鉴戒史学"的发展做出了贡献。由他编纂的《西域图志》,在边疆史地及中外交通史研究上有重要价值。刘知几对其史学成就给予了高度评价,称他具有"良史"之才。

关 键 词:敬播  实录  史馆  直书  良史

Exploring Jing Bo's Achievement in History
Authors:Zhang Li
Abstract:Jing bo was a famous historion in the early Tang Dynasty. He had great learning of the history of Tang Dynasty. First, he compiled the SHILUS of Gaozu and Taizong. He developed his realistic and truthful attitude.Next, he had important contribution in the compilation of JINSHU.Finally, he had contribution to the research of HANSHU. Liu Zhiji, a famous historian in Tang Dynasty,had a very high opinion of Jing Bo.
Keywords:Jing Bo SHILU The Historiographer's office Zhishu Liangshi
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