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引用本文:陈应祺 ,郭瑞海 ,翟良富 ,徐海.迁西西寨遗址1988年发掘报告[J].文物春秋,1992(Z1).
作者姓名:陈应祺  郭瑞海  翟良富  徐海
摘    要:<正> 迁西县地处唐山市北部燕山南麓,滦河中游,是研究燕山南北古文化的重要区域之一。 西寨村属迁西县二拨子乡,在县城东北约33公里,遗址位于西寨村东南滦河北岸的山坡上,滦河古道即在坡下,现滦河水距此600米处由西而东流过(图1、照片一)。 遗址是1985年文物普查时发现,现存面积一万二千平方米。1988年8月为配合大秦铁路建设工程,河北省文物研究所、唐山市文物管理处对遗址又做了详细调查、勘探,在铁路建设区内进行了发掘,发掘面积为800平方米。其中T31、T32在T1—30的东南部,相距为200米。遗址发掘过程中共发现烧土面一处,灶一个,灰坑5个。出土了完整或可夏原陶器二

Excavation to Xizhai Relics at Qianxi County in 1988
Abstract:Xizhai Site is located on the hillside, which is on the north bank of the Luanhe River, to the southeast of Xizhai village, Erbazi township, Qianxi County. Inl988, Hebei Institute of Cultural Relics excavated it for the first time. From the stratigraphic succession and the unearthed relics, we can concluded that Xizhai cultural relics can be devided into two cultural terms, the first term and the second term of Xizhai cultural relics.Most of the cultural relics of the first term of Xizhai are potteries stuffed with sand mingled with talcum powder and mica, but there are a few earthen potteries. The colours of the potteries are not pure, the inside and the outside of the utensils have been polished, the surface of the utensils are all decorated with compound lines, which are mainly pressed "," lines, stabbed and pressed lines, triangles with oblique lines and appended stack lines. The utensils are mainly. handmade tubed jar and handmade bowls with circle foot. Compared with the unearthed utensils in the corresponding period excavated in the neighbouring regions, the potteries that are excavated in Xinglongwa Site, Aohan Banner, Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, and Dongzhai Site, Qianxi county, Hebei province, are all decorated with mutual intersect pressed stripes. But, the potteries in Xizhai Site are not decorated with these stripes, similarly to Xinglongwa and Dongzhai Site, there are representative hoop circle lines, such as that under the mouth trim of the tubed jar. Besides the tubed jar with plain bottom there are Bo with circle foot, bowls with circle foot and character-istic"c"lines,Bidian lines (regular intersect lines with drops in the centre blankspaces) etc. , which has some general characters with the earlier culture of the middle term of Shangzhai Site, Pinggu County Beijing, and the lower layer culture of Xinle Site, Liaoning. So, we can conclude that the date of the first term of Xizhai cultural relics was latter than that of the Xinglongwa culture, and matched the earlier period of the middle term of Shang - zhai and the lower layer culture of Xinle. In the second term of Xizhai cultural relics, there are mainly potteries stuffed with sand and mingled with mica, talcum powder. The number of earthen potteries increased obviously, so did the utensil types. The Lines decorated in the potteries are more rough and more random than that of before, most of the decorated are engraved parrallel oblique lines,engraved "A" lines, pressed "," line and pressed intersect comb line with drops in it. Some other lines are geometric lines composed with straight line and arc lines , and pressed plaited line, and vein line. In a word, compared with the first term culture of Xizhai, the disparity between them is obvious, which demonstrated the two developing period of Xizhai Site, the second term of Xizhai culture has many general characters with Zhaobaogou Culture in Aohan Banner, Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, so the date of the second term of Xizhai Site may be similar to that of Zhaobaogou Culture. Xizhai Site is an important earlier neolithic site in the middle and the lower Ltianhe River valley and in the southern area of the Yanshan Mountain.
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