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引用本文:王红星,朱江松. 江陵城、南郡城、荆州城辨正——以考古资料为中心[J]. 历史地理研究, 2020, 40(2): 52-62
作者姓名:王红星  朱江松
作者单位:1.纪南生态文化旅游区,湖北荆州 434200
2.荆州博物馆,湖北荆州 434200
摘    要:秦将白起拔郢后,在故江北江陵另筑郢城,南郡、江陵县并治于此。西汉中期早、晚段之际,江陵县、南郡治所迁至长江改道后新修的嵠峨山城,郢城为郢县治所。东汉时,郢县废。关羽、桓温、王忱重修之“江陵城”,均为嵠峨山城。自桓温筑江陵城,始见“荆州城”“江陵城”并称。唐武德初,南郡撤。唐天宝十四载前后,长江改道今荆州城南,江陵郡治迁今荆州城,此后,“江陵城”“荆州城”同指今荆州城至今。


Clarifications on the Evolution of Ancient City Sites of Jiangling,Nanjun, and Jingzhou
Wang Hongxing,Zhu Jiangsong. Clarifications on the Evolution of Ancient City Sites of Jiangling,Nanjun, and Jingzhou[J]. The Chinese Historical Geography, 2020, 40(2): 52-62
Authors:Wang Hongxing  Zhu Jiangsong
Affiliation:1. Jinan Tourism of Ecological and Culture, Jingzhou 434200, China
2. Jingzhou Museum, Jingzhou 434200, China
Abstract:Based on new materials, this paper argues that the City of Ying was rebuilt alongside the old Jiangling City, after the Qin general Bai Qi's taken-over of Ying. Afterwards, both the Nanjun Prefecture and Jiangling County used this city as their seats. During the middle Western Han, the Nanjun Prefecture and Jiangling County relocated their seats to the newly built Xi'eshan City, and Ying City became the seat of Ying County. Since the end of Western Han, the Ying County was canceled and the city became a courier station, which lasted until the last era of Eastern Han. Later on, Guan Yu, Huan Wen, and Wang Chen, successively rebuilt the Jiangling City on the basis of the old Xi'eshan City. It is only after Huan Wen rebuilt the Jiangling City that the two cities Jiangling and Jingzhou merged. During the reign of Wude in the Tang, Nanjun Prefecture was canceled. At around the fourteenth year of the Tianbao reign, the Yangtze River changed its course to the south of modern Jingzhou City, therefore the Jiangling City was moved from Xi'eshan City to modern Jingzhou City and remained in the same place to this day.
Keywords:Jiangling  Nanjun  Jingzhou  Xi'eshan City  
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