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作者单位:西南大学历史地理研究所,重庆 400715
摘    要:本文以唐代昌州治所变迁及静南县治地考辨为个案,提出文献分析与田野中的记忆、形胜、文物三视阈相结合,考证研究中古时期州县治城位置的方法。考证指出,唐代静南县必定不在今大足区龙水镇,也不在今大足区三溪镇,应在今大足区西五十里之地,旧称静南坝,即今大足区高升镇太和坝张家坝。乾元元年(758年),昌州初治昌元县,在今荣昌区盘龙狮子坝狮子林会龙桥,历史上又称旧州坝。大历四年(769年)迁移昌元县治到“南凭赤水,北倚长岩”的赖婆村,即今荣昌区河包镇。昌州因大历六年(771年)战乱而废,大历十年(775年)重置,至元和年间,昌州治和昌元县治地记载已不清晰,但至迟到元和八年(813年),昌州治所已经从昌元县改治静南县。到唐末景福元年(892年),昌州治从静南县改为大足县。考证过程中发现,由于传世历史文献地理认知上存在里程计算感性、方位坐标僵化、方位指向模糊、简脱衍串明显的“四大不精”,所以,在考证古代州县治地位置时,为了保证研究的信度,须用田野考察获取的乡土历史记忆、实地山川形胜、周边文物支撑三视阈对历史文献记载进行校证。


Multiple Perspectives on Document and Fieldwork: Studies on the Investigation of the Location of Counties in the Middle Ages Using Changzhou and Jingnan as Examples
Lan Yong.Multiple Perspectives on Document and Fieldwork: Studies on the Investigation of the Location of Counties in the Middle Ages Using Changzhou and Jingnan as Examples[J].The Chinese Historical Geography,2020,40(1):96-108.
Authors:Lan Yong
Institution:Southwest Center for Historical Geography Studies, Southwest University, Chongqing 400100, China
Abstract:Taking the change of location of the capital of Changzhou prefecture and administrative area of the Jingnan county in Tang dynasty as examples, this study points out that researchers should make use of historical documents from multiple perspectives in locating counties in the Middle Ages. We find that the position of Jingnan county in Tang dynasty is at the Taihe dam of Zhangjia dam, in Gaosheng town of Dazu county, which was called Jingnan dam and 50 miles west of Dazu county, other than Longshui town or Sanxi town in Dazu counry. The capital of Changzhou prefecture was firstly set in Changyuan county in 758, and then to Rongchang county in 769, and eventually in Jingnan county in 892. We also find that in order to ensure the reliability of research, one must make use of local historical memory, actual geographical situation and cultural relics to correct historical documents, because historical researches are prone to four types of inaccuracies, namely the sensibility of mileage calculation, the rigidity of azimuth coordinates, the fuzziness of azimuth direction and the obvious simplification and derivation in geographical cognition of historical documents.
Keywords:resident station of Changzhou state  Jingnan county  historical documents  Multiple perspectives  
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