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摘    要:本文支持唐代是一个温暖湿润的时期。温暖湿润的气候使唐代农牧业界线北移,农耕区扩大;农业经济作物种植北线北移,复种指数提高,产出的多样性更明显;农作物单产量提高,粮食总产量也提高;水利建设成效显著。由于国力强盛,使南方地区的开发有了保证。气候的温暖湿润为唐代农业经济的发展创造了条件,农业经济的发展为社会经济的整体发展和繁荣奠定了基础。本文赞同8世纪中叶气候有一个由暖转冷过程的观点,认为8世纪中叶的气候转寒造成了中国北方游牧民族南下压力增大,北方游牧民族纷纷入主中国北方建立区域性王朝,安史之乱是这个南下进程开始的标志性事件。经过南宋12世纪的再一次寒冷突变后,北方游牧民族则开始了入主中原建立大一统王朝的历史。

关 键 词:唐代  气候变化  兴衰

Climatic Variations and the Rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty
Abstract:The paper hold Tang Dynasty was an warm and mosit period in China history,the warm and mosit climatic was the foundation of great prosperity of society and economic during the Tang Dynasty. The paper agrees the view that climatic had changed from warm to cold in the midlle of sib century, consider this change raised pressure of the nomadic nationalities' migration from north to south in north China, so that the nomadic nationalities in north China had migrated to Central Plains, had founded many regional dynasties and unified dynasties.
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