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作者姓名:武可荣  惠强  马振林  张璞  程志娟  项剑云
摘    要:2002年,连云港市博物馆对海州区双龙村的西汉墓(M1)进行了发掘。M1墓室东西长4.2、南北宽3.6米,内有两个椁室,共放置4具漆木棺。随葬器物有铜器、铁器、玉器、漆木器、角器、木牍等,其中木牍包括名谒和衣物疏。墓主人可能是西汉中后期的地方官员。在M1的三号棺内发现了一具保存完好的女尸,从出土的龟纽铜印看,墓主叫凌惠平,死亡年龄大约55岁,可能是男性墓主人的妻子。

关 键 词:西汉墓  地方官员  西汉中后期  连云港市  随葬器物  死亡年龄  女尸  博物馆  出土  墓主

Excavation of a Western Han Tomb in Haizhou,Lianyungang,Jiangsu
Institution:Lianyungang Municipal Museum
Abstract:In the year 2002,the Lianyungang Municipal Museum carried out a rescue excavation of a tomb(dubbed M1)of the Western Han in Shuanglong Village,Haizhou District,Lianyungang City.The tomb chamber,which is 4.2 meters east to west and 3.6 north to south,contained two coffin chambers,and a total of 4 lacquered wooden coffins were discovered inside.The funeral objects include bronzes,jades,lacquered objects made of wood,wooden slips,and objects of iron or horn.Among the wooden slips,some visiting cards and recording documents for clothes are found.The main occupant of the tomb may have been a local officer in the middle to late Western Han.In the No.3 coffin,a well-preserved corpse of a woman,who died at about 55 years old,was found.Judging from the bronze seal found with her,her name was Ling Huiping,and she was probably the wife of the male occupant of the tomb.
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