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摘    要:从湖广等地的情况来看,有明一代,偏安之地城池迟迟未建、安定时期任其圮坏等"不修城"的情形颇为常见。官民财力匮乏、不利的地形环境、官员因循苟且、舆论习于将修城视为劳民伤财等不利条件限制之下,各地官民修城消极懈怠的状况相当普遍,近乎世风。这种始终无法消除的消极因素对明代的筑城政策及其实施产生了多方面的影响:明前期修筑、维护城池主要限于驻军各地,对于其他众多普通州县并未从严要求,以示体恤民情,以免招致民怨;明廷对各地修城频频申令、施压,但收效欠佳;各地往往迫于"寇盗"威胁及上司督责的压力才兴工修城,而前者的作用尤为突出。学者所谓明代"一贯积极、严厉的"筑城政策促成了各地广修城池的看法似乎并不完全切合史实,一些流行已久的相关认识亦有修正、澄清的必要。

关 键 词:修城  筑城政策  城防  明代

To Build Citywalls Passively:A Significant Feature in the Ming Dynasty
Abstract:There were no citywalls and moats in a large number of Zhou and Xian(州县)during the early Ming Dynasty.In periods of stability,local citywalls and moats often were allowed to fall into disrepair.Such general passivity in citywalls’building and repair was due to poor funds,disadvantageous terrain,mediocre officials,adverse public opinion,etc.Such an adverse condi-tion had significant effects on citywalls’building throughout the Ming Dynasty.To avoid the people’s opposition,a large number of Zhou and Xian without a military presence were not been required to build and repair citywalls during the early Ming Dynasty.After this period,the central government repeatedly required local governments to build and repair citywalls,while the effects were usual-ly bad.In fact,quite a lot citywalls were often been built to defense rebels.Maybe some positive opinions about citywalls’building in the Ming Dynasty are not completely correct.
Keywords:citywalls’building and repair  citywalls’building policy  citywalls and moats  Ming Dynasty
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