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作者单位:山东大学 历史文化学院,山东 济南,250100
摘    要:抗战爆发后,鲁西冀南乡村平民宁静的乡土生活被打乱。他们在战乱中过着恐慌与被掠夺的日子,日伪不间歇的"扫荡"中,"跑反"成为生活的一部分。由于日伪残酷掠夺和榨取,加之灾荒连绵不断,使得鲁西冀南乡村平民百姓生活极度困苦,吃、住、行都与战前呈现出不同的样态。鲁西冀南乡村平民百姓的战时生活状态,某种意义上是中共抗日根据地某个时段老百姓日常生活的一个缩影。

关 键 词:抗战  鲁西冀南  乡村  平民百姓  生活

Warfare and Survival:A Brief Survey on the Life of Civilians in the Rural Areas of Western Shandong and Southern Hebei
Abstract:The peaceful life of civilians,residing in the rural areas of western Shandong and southern Hebei,was substan-tially disturbed by the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War. Consequently,they lived through nothing but fright and pillage,besides which,famine made it all the more indigent and intolerant in comparison to the living circumstance before warship. To some ex-tent,the unfavorable plight of these civilians is the miniature of the normal life in Anti-Japanese bases.
Keywords:Anti-Japanese War  western Shandong province and southern Hebei province  rural area  civilian  life
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