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摘    要:<正> 河北地处华北平原北部,东临渤海,西倚太行、南近鲁豫、北接燕山、幅员辽阔,历史悠久,是中华民族发源地之一。在我国古代文明史上占有极其重要的地位。半环形的渤海湾直从东鄙深入腹地,连京、津、唐三角地带,山东半岛、辽东半岛相对如钳形,中间的长山、庙岛列岛形成了古代齐鲁与辽东的重要陆桥。这里也是从渤海东去黄海、朝鲜半岛、日本和远及东北亚、东南亚的重要通道。是东亚地区古代人类面向太平洋的重要活动空间地带。

The Research amd Prospect for The Archaeology in Hebei Province
Abstract:The main topic for discussion of this paper is to research the problems of the archaeology around the Bohai Sea in Hebei Province. The Archaeolgy around the Bohai Sea, as a whole, is the core of the archaeology in Northeast Asia, and is also the starting point for the research of the archaeology around the Pacific Ocean and around the Bohai sea. As the strech of the archaeology around the Bohai Sea , Hebei has its unique geographical position. The Central China Plain and the regions auound the Yanshan Mountain, which are the important places of manoeuvreing for the ancient people to face the pacific Ocean, have a long history; their Cultral contents, which have pronounced local colour, are very plentiful, The archaeological discoverie are not enough to solve the big topic on the archaeology around the Bohai Sea completely. In this paper, we cast a brick to attract jade, make some research on the problems of Hebei archaeology.This paper includes; 1. A survey of the research of Hebei archaeology; 2. T region-ilization and chronicle of Hebei archaeological cultures; 3. Research for the cultures in paleolithic period in Hebei province; 4. Problems of the culture in Neolithic period in Hebei; 5. Research for relations among some earlier cultures; 6. Research for the ancient cultures in mordern Hebei province in Xia and Shang Dynasty , the origin of Shang people , the problems of duchies 7. The development of the ancient cities in Hebei in early feudal society; 8. Research for the Bronze Culture in prairies; 9. The research for the archaeological cultures and the history of nations around the Bohai Sea; 10. The history of the developing of the ancient porcelain.As a part of the archaeology around the Bohai Sea , the aforementioned problems deal with a wide range of the archaeology around the Bohai Sea . The task of these problems is conspicuous , it may contact the archaeological Cultures around the Bohai Sea , which contains a wide range includes Centre Asia , Northeast Asia, Korea, and Japan . These hold an mpirtant position in the research of the developmnt of the ancient civilization in China and in Northeast Asia .I hope that the scholars of the same occupation at home and abroad may cooperate widely to solve the problems of the archaeology around the Bohai Sea , to probe boldly , and to make joint efforts for the earlier scoring great successes of the archaeology around the Bohai Sea .
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