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引用本文:楼淑琦. 谢家桥一号汉墓出土“锦缘绢地乘云绣荒帷”的修复[J]. 文物保护与考古科学, 2010, 22(3): 55-60
摘    要:荆州谢家桥一号汉墓出土了四床质地各异、造型独特、纹饰华丽、做工精细的棺罩(荒帷),为全国首次发现,为研究我国西汉初期的服饰、丝织品制造技术和手工业水平提供了极其珍贵的实物资料。但由于荒帷长期在地下环境中受各种因素的侵蚀,已破损老化严重、碰触易碎,为此必需进行修复。本工作通过对其中一件荒帷的外观目测观察,显微镜对纤维结构的检测以及病害分析后,决定以针线法分别对锦面、锦缘进行修复,然后拼合成形。由于文物平摊面积比较大,因此采用分区修复的方式逐块进行修复。修复后的荒帷在广州南越王博物馆展出,为广大观众提供了难得一见的精美展品。此方法可为国内类似出土丝织品(丝、绢、锦)文物的修复提供借鉴。

关 键 词:谢家桥一号汉墓  荒帷  微生物加固  针线法修复  保护

Restoration of an embroidered coffin cover unearthed from theNo. 1 Han Dynasty tomb at Xiejiaqiao
LOU Shu qi. Restoration of an embroidered coffin cover unearthed from theNo. 1 Han Dynasty tomb at Xiejiaqiao[J]. Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology, 2010, 22(3): 55-60
Authors:LOU Shu qi
Affiliation:China lVational Silk Mu.seum , Hangzhou 3 10002 . China
Abstract:Four different pieces of coffin covers were excavated from the No. I Han Dynasty tomb at Xiejiaqiao inJingzhou. The covers have different textures, unique designs,magnificent ornamentation and excellent craftsman-ship. They are the first of their kind found in China. They are precious , authentic examples of materials for the studyof clothing , silk weaving technology and the handicraft industry in the early Western Han Dynasty. Because of corro-sion due to their having been underground for a long time , they were seriously degraded and were very fragile. Resto-ration was necessary. One of the four covers was first observed visually , and then its micro ~ structure was analyzedunder a microscope and the damage carefully surveyed. It was decided that a sewing method would be applied to thetop and the edges of the object. Because of its large size, the repair work has to be done section by section. Afterconservation , the cover was displayed in the Museum of the Nanyue King , Guangzhou , giving visitors an opportunityto observe such a rare , ancient textile. This conservation procedure could be an example for the conservation of simi-lar textiles in China.
Keywords:Xiejiaqiao No. I tomb   Coffin cover   Microbial reinforcement    Sewing restoration    Conservation
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