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Abstract:Das Schiff der hansischen frühzeit, 2nd edition P. HEINSIUS
Frégate de 18, La Vénus de I'ingénieur Sané, JEAN BOUDRIOT, HUBERT BERTI
Ancient boats in north west Europe—the archaeology of water transport to AD 1500, SEAN McGRAIL
The Porticello shipwreck a Mediterranean merchant vessel of 415–385 BC
John Paul Jones and the Bonhomme Richard JEAN BOUDRIOT, translated by DAVID ROBERTS
Shipwrecks of the Isle of Wight KEN PHILLIPS with a foreword by D. TOMALIN
Thracia Pontica II: Le Littoral Thrace et son role dans le monde ancien M. LASAROV, V. POPOV, C. ARGELOVA (Eds)
Nouveau 'Glossaire Nautique' d'Augustin Jal Revision of the 1848 edition
F. H. Chapman-the first naval architect and his work DANIEL G. HARRIS
El pecio romano de Palamos. ExcavaciC arqueolhgica submarina F. FOERSTER, R. PASCUAL and J. BARBERA
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