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摘    要:建国后十七年,史学界实际存在着两种学风,一种是教条主义学风,在1958年以后一度盛行;另一种是倡导实事求是、独立思考、刻苦钻研的学风。范文澜恰恰是后者的代表人物,他作为正直的史学家,十几年如一日潜心治学,精心修订和重写《中国通史简编》这部巨著;作为近代史所的创建者,他卓有成效地提倡和培育了全所坚持不懈、勇于创新的优良学风,他在领导中国史学会的工作中,更是贯穿了高度重视扎实的史料基础和提倡严谨学风的指导思想,当教条化的错误潮流袭来时,他挺身而出进行抵制,表现出捍卫历史学的科学性和尊严的高风亮节。

关 键 词:范文澜  建国后十七年史学  实事求是的学风  反对教条化

Fan Wenlan:Advocating Eminent Style of Study,Defending the Scientific Character of History
Institution:(Institute of History,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875,China )
Abstract:There existed two kinds of style of study in history circles after the establishment of PRC for 17 years, one of which is dogmatic style of study, it prevailed after 1958 for a time, the other is a style of study of advocating being practical and realistic, thinking independently and studying intensively. Fan Wenfan is a representative of the latter. Being a righteous historian, he pursued his studies with great concentration revising and rewriting the book "A Brief Compilation of the General History China". Being the creator of Research Institute for Modern History, Fan Wenlan advocated and cultivated excellent style of study, he attached much importance to solid historical materials and preciseness and defended the scientific character of history.
Keywords:Fan Wenlan  historiography of 17 years after the establishment of PRC  practical and realistic style of study  opposing dogmatism    
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