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Geometric Mosaic Pavements of Yasileh in Jordan
Authors:C R C

The site of Yasileh in northern Jordan has two churches from the Byzantine period. In the church on the western bank of the Wadi Yasileh, dated to the middle of the 5th or the beginning of the 6th century AD, we uncovered one of the most impressive and best preserved mosaic pavements with geometric patterns in the Near East. In this paper, the writers attempt to show that the Yasileh mosaicists were true masters of their profession. They combined motifs that enjoyed a long popularity from the early and through the middle Roman period, with new designs appearing here for the first time, as far as is known. An attempt is made to trace the history and survival of several geometric patterns from the mosaic in the Western Church at Yasileh by comparison with the same patterns found elsewhere in the Levant. The significance of the non-figurative character of this mosaic and those of other church floors in Lebanon and Syria of a similar date is also considered.
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