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摘    要:秦朝末年,中原纷扰,匈奴南下与秦界于"故塞",所谓"故塞",即是战国时期修筑的秦昭襄王长城、赵武灵王长城和燕长城。汉兴之后,依然与匈奴以"故塞"为界,虽然匈奴屡屡进犯,但由于汉军的顽强抵抗和匈奴民族习性使然,西汉仍能保持这条边界,直到汉武帝元朔二年(前127年),此边界才开始向外拓展。辽东一地较为特殊,其地退守"故塞"...

关 键 词:故塞  长城  边界  肤施  九原

Study on the Boundaries of Northern Frontier in the Late Years of the Qin Dynasty and the Early Years of the Former Han Dynasty
Abstract:In the Late Years of the Qin Dynasty,the boundary of the Hsiung-nu Empire and Qin Empire is "GuSai".The "GuSai" is the Greatwall which built by Qin、Zhao、Yan governments during the warring states period.Although the Hsiung-nu invaded frequently,the Han's army resisted stubbornly,the boundary was always existed until BC127.The area of LiaoDong is specially,they back to the "GuSai" was in the early years of Han Dynasty,and the reason of retreat is different from others.
Keywords:GuSai  Greatwall  boundary  FuShi  JiuYuan
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