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Book reviews
Abstract:Barlow, Frank, (ed) The Carmen de Hastingae Proelio of Guy Bishop of Amiens Benericetti, Ruggero, Il Cristo nei Sermoni di S. Pier Crisologo Blackburn, Mark A.S. and Dumville, David N., (eds.) Kings, Currency and Alliances: History of Coinage of Southern England in the Ninth Century Bolòs, Jordi and Hurtado, Victor, Atles del Comtat de Besalú (785–988) Bolòs, Jordi and Busqueta, Joan J., (eds) Territori i Societat a l'Edat Mitjana. Història, Arqueologia, Documentació II: Almenar, 1147–1997, 850 anys de la Carta de Poblament Borge, Ignacio Álvarez, Comunidades locales y transformaciones sociales en la Alta Edad Media. Hampshire (Wessex) y el sur de Castilla, un estudio comparativo Borgolte, Michael, Sozialgeschichte des Mittelalters. Eine Bilanz nach der deutschen Einheit Brubaker, Leslie, Vision and Meaning in Ninth‐century Byzantium: Image as Exegesis in the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus Carver, Martin, Sutton Hoo: Burial Ground of Kings? Clanchy, M.T., Abelard: a Medieval Life Davis, R.H.C. and Chibnall, Marjorie, (eds) The Gesta Guillelmi of William of Poitiers Dodwell, C.R., Anglo‐Saxon Gestures and the Roman Stage Everson, Paul, and Stocker, David, Corpus of Anglo‐Saxon Stone Sculpture, Volume 5: Lincolnshire Freedman, Paul, Images of the Medieval Peasant Goetz, H.‐W. and Sauerwein, F. (eds) Volkskultur und Elitenkultur im frühen Mittelater: das Beispiel der Heiligenviten Guido, Margaret, The Glass Beads of Anglo‐Saxon England c. AD 400–700 Hawkes, Jane and Mills, Susan,(eds) Northumbria's Golden Age Hill, Joyce and Swan, Mary, (eds) The Community, the Family and the Saint: Patterns of Power in Early Medieval Europe Hooke, Della, Warwickshire Anglo‐Saxon Charter‐Bounds Howe, John, Church Reform and Social Change in Eleventh‐century Italy: Dominic of Sora and his Patrons Jestice, Phyllis G., Wayward Monks and the Religious Revolution of the Eleventh Century McGrail, Seán, Ancient Boats in North‐West Europe. The Archaeology of Water Transport to AD 1500 Magennis, Hugh, Anglo‐Saxon Appetites. Food and Drink and their Consumption in Old English and Related Literature Müller‐Wille, Michael, (ed) Rom und Byzanz im Norden. Mission und Glaubenswechsel im Ostseeraum während des 8.–14. Jahrhunderts, Band II, Internationale Fachkonferenz der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Verbindung mit der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, Kiel, 18.–25. September 1994 Neville, Jennifer, Representations of the Natural World in Old English Poetry Pörnbacher, Mechthild, (ed.) Walahfrid Strabo Zwei Legenden Potter, T.W., and King, A.C., Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato Saenger, Paul, Space between Words: the Origins of Silent Reading Schneidmüller, Bernd and Weinfurter, Stefan, (eds.) Otto III. Heinrich II. Eine Wende? Toswell,M.J., and Tyler, E.M., (eds.) Studies in English Language and Literature. ‘Doubt wisely’: Papers iin Honour of E.G. Stanley Van Houts, Elisabeth, Memory and Gender in Medieval Europe, 900–1200 Van Houts, Elisabeth M.C., (ed) The Gesta Normannorum ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis and Robert of Torigni, Volume II, Books V–VIII Wright, Roger, Early Ibero‐Romance
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