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摘    要:清代承袭历代修史制度,开设各类史馆颇多,纂修史著亦丰,为后世留下了一份极其珍贵的史学遗产。国史纂修,是清代官方史学编纂中极为重要的内容。乾隆朝纂修的"五朝国史"较康熙朝"三朝国史"、雍正朝"四朝国史",体例更加完备、内容更加丰富,开创了国史纂修的新局面,促进了清代国史纂修制度的完善,成为清代官方史学日趋成熟的重要标志。

关 键 词:五朝国史  乾隆朝  纂修

The Compilation of WUCHAO GUOSHI in the Time of Qianlong
Authors:Cui Junwei
Abstract:Qing dynasty followed the system of compiling history of past dynasties,setting up many kinds of history centers,compiling plentiful history books,and leaving a great history heritage. Compiling state history was important in official historiography.The style and content of the state history of Wuchao compiled in the Qianlong period are more complete and abundant than the state history of Sanchao of Kangxi and the state history of Sichao of Yongzheng.It inaugurated the complexion of state history,advanced the perfection of compiling, and became an important sign of official history becoming more and more mature.
Keywords:WUCHAO GUOSHI Qianlong History compilation
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