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摘    要:<正> 要庄村位于河北省保定市西北郊区,属满城县管辖。东南距满城县城十华里,西和眺山遥遥相对,北相隔不过一华里为漕河,南傍依著名的一亩泉。 要庄遗址位于要庄村西的高台平地上。1982年初至1983年底,河北省文物研究所联合保定地区文物管理所、满城县文化馆,对这一带进行了考古勘查和初次发掘。 在勘查中,除搞清楚了遗址的分布、面积、文化堆积及内涵外,在遗址以东,与古遗址的中心分布相距一华里的地方,新发现了两处古墓葬,探出古墓葬120余座。探出古代水井5眼(图

Excavation of the WesternZhou Culture at Yaozhuangin Mancheng County
Abstract:Yaozhuang, Mancheng County is located in the east of the Taihang Mountain, the middle of Hebei province, administered by Mancheng County. We probed and excavated it for the first time between 1982-1983.We have dug 8 probing squares, which covers 320 m2 at the relics, discovered 5 living places, 140 podzol pits, 21 ruins ofcooking stoves, and 7 podzol trenches. In the Site, over one thousand cultural relics were unearthed, which are made from pottery, stone, jade, bone clam, tooth, copper, iron etc. The unearthed pottery can be devided into living implements, such as; Li (an ancient cooking tripod with hollow legs), Jar, Basin, Gui (a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles), Zeng (an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rice) , Bo (pottery bowl) , pot, and Box; tools of production such as : pottery spinning wheel, pottery bat,pottery pad,and pottery net plummet. The other types of tools of production are stone knife, stone sickle, stone shovel, stone axe, stone chisel; clam shovel, clam knife, clam saw (when their sawteeth are not sharpen,it is used as a sickle). And the other types of living implements are bone awl, bone niddle, bone Ji (ancient hair clasp) , copper mirror, ornaments etc , The unearthed weapons are copper arrowhead, bone arrowhead, and stone arrowhead. The implements used for drawing water are pottery jar and pottery kettle.The graves of Yaozhuang are in the eastern of the Site. We have checked up 8 graves, which are middle or small -sized vertical earthen pit grave, there are two -layer platform in it, and there also has waist pit at the bottom of the grave. In each grave, there has a dog buried alive with the dead. All of the 8 graves are buried single people respectively, they face upward, and their limbs are straight . The preservation of the skeletons are not well. All of the 8 graves have burial articals, which are mainly pottery sacrificial vessels. The combinations of the vessels are Li, Jar, Gui; and Li, Jar, Gui and Dou (an ancient stemmed cup and bowl)We have also checked up an ancient well, the upper part of which is elipstic pit shaft, the lower part is square, and there is wooden well plate in it, the well is 10 meters deep. The digging project of the well is very grea, its structure is complicated, and its construction is very exquisite; all these demonstrated the superb digging skills at that time and the implement skills to develop and use the source of underwater. About 80 cultural relicses are unearthed from the deposition layer of the well, most of the relics are utensils used for drawing water, and the head ornaments fallen from head when people drawing water; we also discovered the rope used for drawing water, which applied reliable evidence for the research of the method of drawing water by the people of that time.The area of Yaozhuang Site is as large as some hundred thousand m2 ,the area of the preserved elevated platform is 80 thousand m2, the cultural accumulation is 3 meters thick. Its cotents are very plentiful, there are regular living places, working places and graves. The lasting period is long, from the early of the western Zhou Dynasty to the end of the western Zhou Dynasty.4The investigation and excavation of the cultural relics of western Zhou Dynasty in Yaozhuang ,Mancheng county,applied new scientific historical materials and clues for the research of the Yan Culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty in Hebei province.
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