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摘    要:本研讨的是东汉末年东郡太守臧洪给当时豪陈琳一封复信中的几句话。献帝兴平二年(公元195年)十二月至次年建安元年夏,臧洪被大军阀袁绍围困于郡治东武阳。绍令洪邑人陈琳写信劝洪投降,洪不从。复信说明与绍友好初衷是共尊王室,今日对立是绍不尊王室,其中有些重要的话被今人误注误译。追根溯源,多少与史家陈寿、范晔的误解有关。甚至《资治通鉴》等大部头作也沿袭了这些误解。故从复信主旨着眼,依据史实和词义匡正这些错误。

关 键 词:《三国志》  注释

A Correction to the Mistakes in the Notes and Translation of"history of the Three Kingdoms"
Ouyang Nan.A Correction to the Mistakes in the Notes and Translation of"history of the Three Kingdoms"[J].Journal of Ancient Books Collation and Studies,2003(4):65-70.
Authors:Ouyang Nan
Abstract:This paper focuses on the words in a letter in reply from Zanghong the mayor of Dongjun at the end of the East Han Dynasty to Chenglin,a famous literary figure then.From December of the second year of XingPing of Emperor Xian(195 D.C.)to the summer of the next year, Zanghong was besieged by the army of Yuanshao in the Junzhi Dong Wuyang.Yuanshao asked Chenglin,a countryman of Zanghong,to write a letter to Zang and urge him to surrender. Zang refused to do so.The reply letter stated that the primary intention of being friendly to Yuanshao was to be loyal to the emperor,whereas,they become enemies as soon as Yuan disobeyed the emperor.There is one sentence which has been misunderstood by the present people and the misunderstanding can date back to the past historians Chenshou and Fanye. Even "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"and some other classics also followed these mistakes. Therefore,this paper is aimed at correcting these mistakes ftom the purpose of the letter.
Keywords:Hometown  the Unhappy Emperor  Please the Present dynasty  a Unified Domain
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