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摘    要:烈山窑址位于安徽省淮北市烈山区烈山镇烈山村,2018年开始发掘,面积700平方米,分为三个区域:Ⅰ区金元窑址区域、Ⅱ区唐代末期至北宋窑址区域、Ⅲ区汉代窑址区。清理各类遗迹70余处,包括6座窑炉、52个灰坑、1条道路、14条灰沟,以及大量遗物,其中以白瓷、青釉瓷、三彩器为主,产品主要包括碗、盘、盏、罐、素烧建筑构件、黄釉印花砖等。烈山窑址很可能就是文献中记载的宿州窑,其主要受定窑、磁州窑和巩县窑的技术影响,时代划分为东汉、唐代末期至元代晚期。

关 键 词:烈山窑址  馒头窑  唐代末期至元  白釉瓷  北瓷南传

The Excavation of the Lieshan Kiln at Huaibei,Anhui
Abstract:The Lieshan kiln is located at the Lieshan village,Huaibei City,Anhui,the excavation of which started in 2018.The excavation zone is seven hundred square meters in size,which is divided into three zones.Kilns of the Jin and Yuan dynasties locate in Zone Ⅰ;kilns from the late Tang dynasty to the Western Song period are in Zone Ⅱ;the Han-dynasty kilns are in Zone Ⅲ.Archaeological remains up to more than seventy have been unearthed,which include six kilns,fifty-two pits,a road,and fourteen trenches.Archaeological discoveries feature celadon and white porcelain,as well as triple-color glazed ceramics.The ceramic products are mainly architectural elements,stamped-pattern bricks,bowls,plates,jars and so on.The Lieshan kiln might be the Suzhou kiln in historical documents.Its technique was largely influenced by the Ding,Cizhou and Gongxian kilns.It was in use from the late Tang dynasty to the late Yuan dynasty.
Keywords:Lieshan kiln  dome-shaped kiln  from the Northern Song dynasty to the Yuan dynasty  white porcelain  southern transmission of northern porcelain
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