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引用本文:王双怀. 明代华南的粮食生产及其地域特征[J]. 中国历史地理论丛, 2000, 0(1)
摘    要:明代华南的农作物种类多,分布广,各有特点。在明代华南的粮食作物中,稻类作物占有很大的比重,主要分布在平原、盆地及河谷地带。其中广州、肇庆、潮州、福州、建宁、梧州等府所产稻谷较多,桂北、琼西的某些县份也盛产水稻。麦类作物的地位仅次于稻作。明代中期气候转寒以后,小麦的种植有增加的趋势。虽然种植面积不是很大,但分布相当广泛。麦作主要分布在山区、丘陵等处的旱地,有时与稻作轮作复种。粟类作物、豆类作物和代粮作物的分布也较广泛,只是种植面积较小而已。外来作物在明代后期得到迅速推广,并对当时的农业地理产生了重要影响。

关 键 词:明代  华南  粮食作物  区域分布

The Production and Regional Features of Grain Crops in Huanan of the Ming Dynasty
Abstract:Huanan's grain crops in the Ming Dynasty could be broadly classified into six groups. Rice was the most important group and achieved an unprecedentedly high development in the Ming Dynasty. The chief rice producing areas were plains or basins of some rivers. Guangzhou, Zhaoqing, Chaozhou, Fuzhou, Jianning, Wuzhou etc. had considerably high output, each turning over to the state 100, 000 dan of rice annually, some even 300,000 Dan. Wheat came next to rice. With the climate turning cold, the mid-term of the Ming Dynasty saw a trend of increase in wheat plantation. Wheat was mostly distributed in the dryland in the mountainous and hilly areas. Sometimes the land was used for rotation plough for rice and wheat. Although the size of the area was not so big, it was widely distributed. Millets and beans had also a wide distribution but the areas were small.Corn,tomatoes and peanuts were major crops newly introduced from overseas countries during the mid-term and the later period of the Ming Dynasty. The moment they took root in Hua Nan, these crops showed advantage and were rapidly popular ized, disturbing the traditional pattern crops plantation, exertingfarreaching influence upon the agricultural geography in Hun Nan.
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