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Abstract:Krugman, Paul The Self-Organizing Economy
Krugman, Paul Development, Geography, and Economic Theory
Sasaki, Komei (ed.) Optimum and Equilibrium for Regional Economies: Collected Papers of Noboru Sakashita
Gradus, Yehuda, and Lithwick, Harvey (eds.) Frontiers in Regional Development
Hanson, Susan and Pratt, Geraldine Gender, Work, and Space
Hanson, Susan (ed.) The Geography of Urban Transportation
Peck, Jamie, Work-Place: The Social Regulation of Labor Markets
Rhodes, Martin (ed.) The Regions and the New Europe: Patterns in Core and Periphery Development
Kopinak, Kathryn, Desert Capitalism: Maquiladoras in North America's Western Industrial Corridor
Roseman, Curtis C., Laux, Hans Dieter, and Thieme, Günter (eds.) EthniCity: Geographic Perspectives on Ethnic Change in Modern Cities
Carroll, Matthew S., Community and the Northwest Logger: Continuities and Changes in the Era of the Spotted Owl
Harrison, Lynn C., and Husbands, Winston (eds.) Practicing Responsible Tourism: International Case Studies in Tourism Planning, Policy, and Development
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