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作者姓名:刘莉  盖瑞·克劳福德  李炅娥  陈星灿  马萧林  李建和  张建华
摘    要:高粱(Sorghum bicolor)是禾本科植物的一个种,是非洲特有的植物并最早在乍得-苏丹地区得以驯化1]。中国史前时期是否存在高粱一直是一桩疑案。很多争论是基于对古文献中若干文字是否为高粱的诠释,但也有10余处考古遗址确曾报道发现高粱遗存,年代从新石器时代一直延续到唐代2]

关 键 词:郑州大河村  高粱  大豆  仰韶文化

The Re-examination on the "Sorghum" Remains Found in Dahecun Site of the Yangshao Culture in Zhengzhou
Institution:Liu Li et al.
Abstract:The most controversial archaeological discovery of so-called "earliest sorghum" remains with photographs is the charred grains found in a painted pottery jar in F2,a house foundation of the late Yangshao Age at Dahecun Site in Zhengzhou.To more deeply explore the origination of sorghum in China,these charred grains were examined again and the new result shows that these grains clearly belonged to legume family and their shapes showed characteristics of soybean genus(glycine).This is the earliest soybean remains intentionally stored by the human beings found to date archaeologically;however,the issue about whether they were domesticated soybeans cannot be discussed yet until more comprehensive studies on the population characteristics of them are done.
Keywords:Zhengzhou Dahecun Site Sorghum Soybean Yangshao Culture
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