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摘    要:2016年10月,新疆文物考古研究所在新疆巴州若羌县瓦石峡镇南10公里处的沙漠中抢救性发掘墓葬4座,形制可分为竖穴土坑墓、竖穴独木棺墓两种,分属两个时代,初步推测为汉晋时期楼兰国至鄯善国的遗存。瓦石峡墓地地处丝绸之路南道要冲,从墓葬出土遗物反映出此期中西文化交流频繁,丝绸之路贸易繁盛。

关 键 词:新疆若羌县  瓦石峡  墓葬  汉晋时期

Preliminary Report on the Excavation of the Washixia Cemetery in Ruoqiang County,Xinjiang
Abstract:In October 2016,the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region conducted a rescue excavation at the cemetery site in Washixia Town,Ruoqiang County,Bazhou.The four excavated tombs can be divided into two types,the vertical-shaft pit tombs,and vertical-shaft pit tombs with canoe-like wooden coffins.These two types of tombs belonged to two periods,respectively.Our preliminary investigation suggests that these tombs dated to between the Loulan(Kroraina)and Shanshan period of the Han-Jin Dynasties.The Washixia cemetery was situated at a strategic location along the southern route of the Silk Roads.Some of the objects discovered in these tombs clearly indicate active cultural interactions between China and the West at a time when commercial activities along the Silk Roads were prospering.
Keywords:Ruoqiang County of Xinjiang  Washixia  Tombs  Han-Jin Dynasties
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