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作者姓名:祝勇  李少白
摘    要:走上长城,再走下来,总是会有种说不出的感觉荡漾心头。你看见了什么?是起伏的城墙,坚毅的烽燧,抑或是冰冷的砖石?轻抚沧桑的墙体,历史的铁灰从岁月浸透的砖缝中一层层剥落。似乎在向后来的人们诉说着无数生命的激情与悲壮。

关 键 词:李自成  宫殿  河北省  吴三桂  齐长城  城墙  历史上  皇帝  秦始皇  王昭君  

The Great Wall:A Floating History Record
Abstract:Facing the Great Wall, our eyes are always towards up. Climbing up the Great Wall, and then walking down, undescribable feeling surges inside the heart. Cold bricks and stones built into an ancient wall, zigzagging up and down along the mountain, what is hidden behind it? While gently stroking the body of the wall, the vast history full of stories exposing itself layer by layer from the gaps of the bricks, to us tremendous passions, solemn and stirring of past lives are being told.
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