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自我作古 用适于事--武则天标新立异的洛阳明堂
引用本文:杨鸿勋.自我作古 用适于事--武则天标新立异的洛阳明堂[J].华夏考古,2001(2):70-78.
摘    要:唐初,太宗崇尚儒学,贞观五年想建造明堂。大儒孔颖达等上表陈述各种意见。由于都是从文献到文献,众说纷坛,无法互相说服。因而太宗之世,未能建成。高宗即位的第二年)──永徽二年(公元651年)七月,便诏令诸曹尚书及左右丞侍郎、太常国子监秘书官、宏文馆学士等共同详议明堂制度。郡臣都附庸汉儒,一部分提出以郑玄为代表的“五室”之说,另一部分提出以卢植、蔡邕为代表的“九室”之说,相互对立;还有另外进呈其他的明堂图样,不一而足。这次议论,仍然是“诸儒纷争,互有不同”,高宗“以九室之议,理有可依”,令孔官学士详定…

关 键 词:东都  洛阳  武则天  明堂

Luoyang Mingtang Imperial Ritual Hall Unconventionally Built by Wu Zetian
Yang Hongxun.Luoyang Mingtang Imperial Ritual Hall Unconventionally Built by Wu Zetian[J].Huaxia Archaeology,2001(2):70-78.
Authors:Yang Hongxun
Institution:Yang Hongxun
Abstract:In order to ascend the throne, Wu Zetian, the Empess of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty built a Mingtang (a secret house ) on the foundation of fromer Qianyuandian palace in the year of 687 and 688 AD. Archaeologists surveyed and excavated this site in 1986 and had a better understanding of the building. Based on the archaeological work and ancient texts, this paper tries to reconstruct the foundation of this mingtang three - dimensionally.
Keywords:East Capital Luoyang Wu Zetian Mingtang  
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