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The blessing of a great flood: differentiation of mortality patterns in the large mammal record of the Lower Pleistocene fluvial site of Untermassfeld (Germany) and its relevance for the interpretation of faunal assemblages from archaeological sites
Affiliation:1. Forschungsstation für Quartärpaläontologie der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Steubenstrasse 19a, 99423 Weimar, Germany;2. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz, Forschungsbereich Altsteinzeit, Schloss Monrepos, 56567 Neuwied, Germany;1. Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, WC1H 0PY London, United Kingdom;2. ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain;3. ERAAUB/Departament de Historia i Arqueologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Montalegre 6-8, 08001 Barcelona, Spain;4. Department of Geosciences, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, 3209 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211, USA;5. Centre D''Estudis Del Patrimoni Arqueologic de La Prehistoria, Facultat de Lletres, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain;6. Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, 1001 East 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-1405, USA;7. Stone Age Institute, 1392 W Dittemore Road, Gosport, Indiana 47433, USA;8. Department of Anthropology, Colorado State University, 1787 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA;9. Unidad de Ecología y Sistemática, Departamento de Biología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cra. 7 # 40-82, 110231 Bogotá, Colombia;10. Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Brownlow Street, Liverpool L69 3GP, United Kingdom;11. GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg, Schloßgarten 5, 91054 Erlangen, Germany;1. Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Pisa, 1, via Derna, 56126 Pisa, Italy;2. Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Università di Pisa, 53, via S. Maria, 56126 Pisa, Italy;1. Division of Palaeozoology, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Wroclaw, Poland;2. Dorpsstraat 53, 3238BB Zwartewaal, Netherlands;3. Naturkunde- und Mammut-Museum Siegsdorf, Germany;1. Département de Préhistoire, Muséum National d''Histoire Naturelle, UMR7194, 1 rue René Panhard, 75013 Paris, France;2. Área de Prehistoria, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Avinguda de Catalunya 35, 43002 Tarragona, Spain;3. IPHES, Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social, C/Escorxador, s/n, 43003 Tarragona, Spain;4. Centro Nacional sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), Paseo de Atapuerca, nº3, 09002 Burgos, Spain;5. GEOTOP, Université du Québec, C.P. 8888, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, QC, H3C 3P8, USA;6. Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of Beijing (IVPP), Beijing, China;7. Centro de Investigación (UCM-ISCIII) de Evolución y Comportamiento Humanos, Monforte de Lemos 3-5 (Pabellón 14), 28029 Madrid, Spain
Abstract:The site of Untermassfeld (Germany) documents flood catastrophes of the Werra River ca. 1 Myr years ago. Although all vertebrate individuals of an equivalent thanatocoenosis in principle underwent the same taphonomic history different mortality patterns have been observed for different animal species. It can be demonstrated that mortality patterns preserved by the fossil record are heavily affected by the physiological capability and ethology of a particular species as well as by the particular taphonomic situation prevailing at the location of final deposition. Against this background mortality patterns for the interpretation of faunal assemblages from archaeological sites are discussed in a broader context.
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