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摘    要:摄影大师庄学本的照片是需要凝视的。他将一种文明与尊严的力量赋予他所关照的边地人民,无论是眉目俊朗的康巴青年,还是纯真无邪的嘉戎少女,无论是目光深邃的班禅大师,还是蒙古、撒拉、土族一张张生动的脸庞,他们都超越时空的边际,骄傲地与我们目光交汇,情感相通。他们挺拔的生命也因这些图片的传世而不朽。

关 键 词:庄学  目光  深邃  骄傲  生命

Memory:The Photography Record of Zhuang Xueben to the West
Abstract:The shoots of Zhuang Xueben, a master photographer, are meant to be gazed. The rimland people, whom he concerns in his works, are endued with a power of civilization and dignity; but for a long time, this precious human dignity has been overlooked by the mainstream society, and even trampled by the western intruders under the name of Armed Exploration in China. However, thousands of old photos saved in archive bags restore the dignity and make us those born-after-1970. absolutely reverent.
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