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作者姓名:赵清  乔保同  王凤剑  姜文萍  王蔚波
摘    要:老坟岗遗址位于西峡县西4公里的五里桥乡封湾村老坟岗村北的岗地上,是1963年公布的首批省级文物保护单位。这里四周环山,属豫西南伏牛山系,山间有一条通往陕东南的要道。遗址是一处半岛形台地,东100余米即312国道,西与山丘相连,老灌河支流丁河在遗址东300米由西北向东南流过,河面宽阔,水量充沛。遗址所在台地东西长180、南北宽约150米,

关 键 词:仰韶文化  口径  红陶  图版  剖面图  长方形  底径  泥质  房基  尖底瓶

Institution:Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology andNanyang Municipal Institute of Cultura Relics and Archaeology
Abstract:From the end of October 2000 through the early April 2001,Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and other institutions excavated Laofengang Site in Xixia County,which is on the route of Nanjing-Xi’an Raliwang.This excavation uncovered areas 1200 sq m in total,in which rich remains of Yangshao Culture,including 20 house foundations,12 burials and 13 ash pits,were recovered.According to the differences of the remains and the changes of the artifacts,this site can be divided into two phases succeeding each other.In the early phase,round and rectangular house foundations were found but in the late phase,only rectangular ones were found,and row houses and the house foundations in田-shaped plan appeared.In this site,10 accumulated stone tombs were found;the eight of them in the early phase were arranged in southeast-northwest direction and heading southeast,most of which yielded grave goods.Most of the accumulated stone tombs had rectangular vertical shaft graves,the upper parts of which were lined with stone blocks,the graves were also filled with stone blocks and accumulated into mounds.This type of tombs were discovered for the first time in the Central Plains.This site yielded plenty of artifacts,among which potteries and stone implements took the bulk but very few bone implements were found.The 11 stone yue-battle axes unearthed from the accumulated stone tombs were made of carefully selected materials and exquisite techniques and can be seen as masterpieces of stone implements.The most noticeable characteristics of Laofengang Site is the flat-bottomed bottles unearthed in this site,which were rarely seen in other sites of the same time and their own changes were rather clear.The Yangshao Culture reflected in Laofengang Site is similar to that of the early phase of Miaodigou Type in western Henan but also have their local features.
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