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Abstract:Coasts and Seas of the United Kingdom—the JNCC Coastal Directories Project: Regional Report 12: Wales, Margam to Little Orme J. H. BARNES, C. F. ROBSON, S. S. KAZWOWSKA and J. P. DOODY (Eds) 239 pp., many B&W illustrations and maps Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Peterborough via Natural History Books Ltd, 2-3 Wills Road, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5XN, UK. 1995. £75, ISBN 1-873701-86-1. (Set of 17 vols). ISBN 1 8737701-91-1 Arab Seafaring GEORGE F. HOURANI, revised and expanded by John Carswell 189 pp., maps, illustrations Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA. 1995, £14.95, ISBN 0-691-00032-8 Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from SHA 1995 Conference, Washington DC PAUL FORSYTHE JOHNSTON 186 pp., line illustrations Society for Historical Archaeology, PO Box 30446, Tucson, AZ 85751-0446, USA, 1995, US $20+p&p The Polyeric Quest—Renaissance & Baroque Theories about Ancient Men-of-war L. TH. LEHMANN 184 pp., 26 black-&-white illustrations Obtainable: L. Th. Lehmann, Keestraat 15B, 1012 BW Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1995, £20 or 35 Dfl. inc. postage. In Dutch as De queeste naar de multireme from De Bezige Bij, P.O.B. 75184, 1070 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Dutch edition 45 Dfl., ISBN 90-9008462-2 Les Amphores en Gaule: production et circulation (Annales Littéraires de I'Université de Besançon 474) FANETTE LAUBENHEIMER (Ed.) 737 pp., illustrated Les Belles Lettres, 95 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, France, 1992, Fr.fr. 150, ISBN 2-251-60474-X The Heyday of Sail—Merchant Sailing Ship 1650-1830 (Conway's‘History of Ship’series) PHILIP BOSSCHEK 175 pp., numerous illustrations Conway Maritime Press, 33 John Street, London WCIN 2AT, UK. 1995, £28, ISBN 0-85177-562-4 The Ship as Symbol in Prehistoric and Medieval Scandinavia (Vol. 1 of PNM Studies in Archaeology of History) OLE CRUMLIN PEDERSEN and BIRGITTE THYE 196 pp., illustrated National Museum of Denmark, Department of Archaeology and Early History, 12, Frederiksholms Kanal, Copenhagen K, DK-1220, 1995, Dk.Kr.295, ISBN 87-893384-01-6, ISSN 0909-9506 Das Wrack der antike Schiffsfund von Mahdia (2 volumes) GISELA HELLEMPER SALIES (Ed.) 1127 pp., fully illustrated+32 colour plates Rheinland Verlag, Köln, 1994, N.P.G., ISBN 3-7927-1442-6 Archeologia Sottomarina alle Isole Eolie MENSUN BOUND 148 pp., 137 photographs, 61 plates Pungitopo Editrice, via Scaletta 2, 98060 Marina di Patti, Messina, Italy, 1992, It.L.30,000, ISBN 88-85328-39-3
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