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摘    要:金家是17世纪加入满洲阵营的朝鲜人。盛清时期,常明与金简位极人臣,淑嘉皇贵妃亦出身于此。然而,在雍乾年间,常明与金简两房子孙为了承袭世管佐领互控,藉由祖源的差异表述争取利益。另一方面,他们也对其朝鲜出身抱有认同,在燕行使来华时,或给予实际协助,却也趁机夤缘索贿。本文梳理金氏的家世与家事,探究族群认同在祖源传说、八旗体制与政治运作等因素影响下的塑造与重述,以及人们在选择认同的背后,夹杂着情感、制度与利益的复杂考量。

关 键 词:内务府包衣  八旗制度  高丽佐领  中朝关系史  燕行使

The Jin Family and Their Ethnic Identity from the Perspective of Sino-Joseon Studies
Institution:(Department of History,Zhuhai Campus of the Sun Yat-sen University)
Abstract:The Jin family was originally a Korean family that resided in Yizhou, but they turned into one of the Manchu booi banners in the 17th century. In High Qing, Changming and Jinjian served as the Chiefs of the Department of Imperial Household in the inner court, while Jinjian’s sister, Lady Jin, was one of the Qianlong Emperor’s concubines. However, there were disputes revolving around Changming’s and Jinjian’s lineages, which vied for the right to inherit the supervisor of niru, the basic unit of the booi eight banners. Because the Jin family were originally Koreans, they still retained their Korean identity in a certain way. Both Changming or Jinjian disclosed their ethnic identity to Korean envoys by mentioning that their ancestors’ graves were still well-preserved in Yizhou. Furthermore, they both used their political influence to assist Korean envoys to negotiate diplomatic issues in the royal court and sometimes took their bribes. The story of the Jin family indicates the multi-facted nature of ethnic identity discourses that can be considered from the perspectives of emotions, political institution,and interests in reality.
Keywords:Booi Bondservant of the Imperial Household Department  Eight Banner System  Korean niru  Sino-Josen studies  Korean envoys to Qing court
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