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Traces of Roman Offshore Navigation on Skerki Bank (Strait of Sicily)
Authors:Christian Weitemeyer, Hardi Dö  hler
Affiliation:Dilldorfer Allee 20, D-45257 Essen, Germany;
Auf der Böck 34, D-40221 Düsseldorf, Germany
Abstract:For a long time historians have been discussing to what extent offshore routes were used in the ancient Mediterranean. In 20 years of almost annual expeditions we found Roman remains dating from different centuries around Keith Reef on Skerki Bank in the Strait of Sicily. These finds include material from several sunken ships as well as many single lead anchor-stocks. We conclude from our finds that a sizeable part of the traffic between Carthage and Rome followed a direct course across the sea.
© 2009 The Authors
Keywords:Skerki Bank    trading routes    shipwreck    lead anchor-stock    Carthage    Rome
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