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Abstract:Book reviewed in this issue.
B iography B etween S tructure and A gency : C entral E uropean L ives in I nternational H istoriography . Edited by Volker R. Berghahn and Simone Lässig.
N ietzsche's P hilosophical C ontext : A n I ntellectual B iography . By Thomas H. Brobjer.
L'H istoria : C ommencements G recs . By Catherine Darbo-Peschanski.
T he P olitics of H istorical P roduction in L ate Q ing and R epublican C hina . Edited by Tze-ki Hon and Robert Culp.
T he C ultural V alues of E urope . Edited by Hans Joas and Klaus Wiegandt. Translated by Alex Skinner.
T heory and H istory . Edited by Donald MacRaild.
P ast for the E yes : E ast E uropean R epresentations of C ommunism in C inema and M useums A fter 1989. Edited by Oksana Sarkisova and Péter Apor.
I nterpretación del historicismo . By Fulvio Tessitore.
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