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摘    要:《中日和平友好条约》的签订经历了曲折的过程。中日双方于1974年11月开始缔约的预备谈判,后因日本政局变动使国内政治力量重组,自民党亲台势力掌控党政大权,在反霸问题上态度变化,导致谈判受阻;与此同时,中国也因文化大革命在缔约问题上回旋余地有限,致使缔约谈判一度中断。20世纪70年代末,日本国内政治环境和国际形势的变化为恢复中日谈判创造了有利条件,在邓小平的推动下,中日于1978年5月恢复了谈判,并于8月正式签署了《中日和平友好条约》,条约的签署对中日来说都具有重大意义。

关 键 词:《中日和平友好和约》  中日关系  《中日联合声明》  

The Signing of the Sino-Japanese Treaty on Peace and Friendship
Lin Xiaoguang.The Signing of the Sino-Japanese Treaty on Peace and Friendship[J].Contemporary China History Studies,2008(6).
Authors:Lin Xiaoguang
Abstract:The Sino-Japanese Treaty on Peace and Friendship was signed following a long tor- tuous road.The two countries began preparatory negotiations on the signing of the treaty in Novem- ber 1974,but later the political forces were regrouped in Japan and the pro- Taiwan forces in the Liberal Democratic Party held the power in its hands,which changed Japan's attitude on the anti - hegemonic question and hampered the talks.Meanwhile the Cultural Revolution narrowed China's room for maneuver on the question of signi...
Keywords:the Sino-Japanese Treaty on Peace and Friendship  relations between China and Japan  the Joint Statement of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Repub- lic of China  
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